Four-Character Phrases for Anger, Joy, and Sadness
"Rage against the machine" - To feel intense anger or frustration towards something or someone that seems unfair or unjust.
"Fuming mad" - To be extremely angry, with a sense of seething anger that is difficult to contain.
"Hot-headed" - To describe someone who is prone to fits of anger or who has a short temper.
"Fit of rage" - A sudden and intense outburst of anger, often accompanied by violent behavior.
"Over the moon" - Extremely happy or delighted, often used to describe someone who is extremely pleased about something.
"Ecstatic" - To be filled with extreme joy or happiness, often to the point of being uncontrollable.
"Jump for joy" - To express extreme happiness or excitement by jumping up and down.
"Delighted as punch" - Extremely pleased or content, often used to describe someone who is extremely happy about something.
形容生气的两字词语"Heartbroken" - To feel extremely sad or upset, often because of a loss or disappointment.
"Down in the dumps" - Feeling very sad or depressed, often because of a series of bad events or situations.
"Miserable" - To feel extremely unhappy or unhappy, often to the point of being unable to e
njoy anything.
"Grief-stricken" - Overwhelmed with sadness or sorrow, often because of a loss or tragedy.
愤怒反抗” - 对看似不公平或不公正的事物或人感到强烈的愤怒或沮丧。
“愤怒难平” - 极度愤怒,难以抑制内心的愤怒情绪。
“易怒” - 描述容易发脾气或脾气暴躁的人。
“暴跳如雷” - 形容突然而猛烈的愤怒爆发,常常伴随着暴力行为。
“欣喜若狂” - 极度高兴或喜悦,通常用来描述某人对某件事情非常满意。
“欣喜若狂” - 充满极度快乐或幸福,常常到了无法控制的地步。
“欣喜若狂” - 通过跳跃来表达极度的快乐或兴奋。
“心满意足” - 极其高兴或满足,通常用来描述某人对某件事情非常满意。
“心碎” - 因为失去或失望而感到极度悲伤或痛苦。
“情绪低落” - 感到非常悲伤或沮丧,通常是因为一系列不幸的事件或情况。
“悲惨” - 感到极度不快乐或不幸,常常到了无法享受任何事情的地步。
“悲痛欲绝” - 因为失去或悲剧而感到悲痛欲绝。