Growing up in my hometown of Tengzhou, one of the most significant and cherished customs is the celebration of Long Tai Tou on the second day of the second lunar month. 在我成长的家乡滕州,最显著和珍贵的习俗之一就是在农历二月二日庆祝龙抬头。
This traditional festival marks the awakening of the dragon and the beginning of spring, bringing hope and blessings to the community. 这个传统节日标志着龙的苏醒和春天的到来,给社区带来希望和祝福。
The preparations for Long Tai Tou begin weeks in advance, with families cleaning their homes, preparing special dishes, and decorating with vibrant red lanterns and couplets. 龙抬头活动的准备工作在几周前就开始了,家庭会打扫家里、准备特菜肴,并用鲜艳的红灯笼和对联装饰家园。
On the day of the festival, the entire town comes alive with the sound of drums, firecrackers, and dragon dances filling the streets. 在节日当天,整个城镇充满了鼓声、鞭炮声和龙舞的欢乐歌舞,挤满了街道。
The dragon, carried by a group of strong men, weaves its way through the town, bringing good luck and prosperity to all those in its path. 龙由一强壮的男子抬着,穿梭在城镇之间,给所有沿途的人们带来好运和繁荣。二月二 龙抬头
As a child, I remember eagerly awaiting Long Tai Tou every year, marveling at the colorful dragon and the festive atmosphere that enveloped our town. 作为一个孩子,我记得每年都迫不及待地期待龙抬头的到来,对缤纷的舞龙和笼罩在城镇上空的喜庆气氛感到惊叹。
The spirit of unity and joy that Long Tai Tou brings is truly special, strengthening the bonds within the community and fostering a sense of belonging among its residents. 龙抬头带来的团结和喜悦之情是非常特别的,它增强了社区内部的联系,培养了居民对家乡的归属感。
Despite the passage of time and the changes in modern society, the tradition of Long Tai Tou continues to be upheld and celebrated in Tengzhou, preserving our cultural heritage for generations to come. 尽管时光荏苒,现代社会发生了变化,龙抬头的传统继续得到重视和庆祝,在滕州保存了我们的文化遗产,留给后代。
Reflecting on the significance of Long Tai Tou in my life fills me with pride and gratitude for the rich cultural heritage that has been passed down to me from generations past. 思考龙抬头在我的生活中的���义让我充满了自豪和感激,感谢这个源自于过去几代人的丰富文化遗产。