摘  要
国内外众多学者研究分析了大班阶段幼儿的生理发展和心理发展,发现在大班这个阶段,因为其年龄的增长,儿童对人际交往之间的关系有了一定的了解。 因此,大班幼儿面临同伴冲突的状态和解决方案的选择和小班的儿童会有很大程度上的不同。 在这一时期的幼儿,他拥有的同伴冲突地解决习惯将直接影响其社会性发展的程度,对他身心的发展和性格的塑造会产生深远的影响。笔者发现许多幼儿不能够积极地解决与同伴之间发生的冲突,不能合理地处理与同伴之间的矛盾。另外,如果发生冲突,教师的干预是选择包办解决或者责令制止,不论是教
师还是家长,此类干预极其不利于幼儿同伴关系以及社会性的良好发展。 因此,本研究以大班幼儿同伴冲突问题为出发点进行分析、分类、归纳总结。探讨大班儿童同伴冲突发生的原因,论述了同伴冲突对幼儿身心发展的积极影响并提出了相关的具有教育性的建议。
Social adaptation and interpersonal communication are essential components of children's growth stage, the primary content of children's learning, and the only way for children's social development. The early childhood stage of large class is the key period for the formation of children's good social development. Therefore, it is an effective way to develop children's good sociality to guide children to choose positive and effective peer conflict resolution strategies. And then establish a good peer relationship to promote the formation of children's good character and excellent quality.
Many scholars at home and abroad have studied and analyzed the physiological and psych
ological development of children in the large class stage, and found that in the large class stage, because of the increase of their age, children's interpersonal relationship  have a certain understanding of the relationship between contacts. Therefore, large-class children will face peer conflict status and the choice of solutions and small-class children will be very different. In this period of young children, he has a peer conflict to solve habits will directly affect the degree of their social development, on his physical and mental development and character shaping will have a profound impact. The author found that many young children can not actively solve the conflicts with their peers, and can not reasonably deal with the contradictions with their peers. In addition, if there is a conflict, the teacher's intervention is to choose to arrange to solve or order to stop, whether teachers or parents, this  Class-type intervention is extremely unfavorable to the good development of children's peer relationship and sociality. Therefore, this study takes the peer conflict problem of large class children as the starting point to analyze, classify and summarize. This paper discusses the causes of peer conflict in large-class children, discusses the positive effects of peer conflict on children's physical and mental development, and puts forward relevant educational suggestions.
Key words: Large class children Peer conflict Cause Solutio
第1章 绪论
1.1 问题的提出
1.1.1 幼儿社会性发展的关键期
1.1.2 幼儿同伴冲突积极解决的现状堪忧
1.2 核心概念的确定
1.2.1 冲突的概念
1.2.2 幼儿同伴冲突的概念buchi