  Every family is happy. We can hear laughter everywhere at home. Have you ever known, 100 years ago, when China was humiliated, who helped us to move towards a "well-off" society? It's the Communist Party of China.
  "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China!" This resounding Lyric often rings in our ears. Yes, after the founding of the Communist Party, they helped the Chinese people resist the aggressors and made contributions to the Chinese people. If there was no Communist Party, would new China be founded? No, it won't.
  Once upon a time, my grandparents lived in a gully, where there were trees and mountains everywhere, and the road was muddy. When it rained, there was mud everywhere under their
shoes. Far away from the mountain, there is a county. The houses in the city are low, short and broken. The roads are covered with dust and garbage floating on the water. In the mountains, grandparents are even worse off. There are only three or four families. Now, after 100 years, life is getting better and better. The city is bustling and bustling. There are so many good things in the street. The houses are no longer so broken, the garbage in the water is gone, some boats are floating on the water, and the fishermen are fishing! It's really fun!
  I am now in the fifth grade and know that I have a great and prosperous motherland, and behind this motherland, there is a greater Communist Party. How corrupt and incompetent the previous Qing government was, for its own interests, it promised many unreasonable conditions to other countries, making the people miserable and desperate. Although there is such a weak Qing government, there are also great people in China who are helping people: XXX, XXX
  As we all know, China used to be looked down upon by foreigners. A Pacific Regional Sci建党100周年活动
entific Conference had unreasonably stipulated that Chinese Meteorological scientists could only attend as nonvoting delegates and were not allowed to read or publish papers. The meteorological conference of Far East countries held in Hong Kong, China, put China in the last place for two unreasonable times. We Chinese are despised! This is really outrageous. These foreigners are so unreasonable. Can they not be angry?
  From the poor and humble China to the prosperous China, the Communist Party is fighting for us! Let's remember the lyrics "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China!" We believe that the party will always be in our hearts.
  The mountains look up, the sea waves, the earth is full of the new century. In this beautiful and beautiful season, we walk through time and space, and we enter the red July. It's so exciting, it's so confident, it's so hopeful. I am passionate and imaginative
  Liujin's "July 1", the burning "July 1", flashing the light of truth, showing faith and ideal. In t
hat long night of heavy disaster and bloody wind, it was the morning light of July 1st to open the fog of the Chinese land, which inspired the Chinese children and independence for the nation. The fire of communism faith spread to the earth, and the torch of ideal was shining through the road of powerful country. Wanlihe mountain was therefore outstanding and magnificent; As a result, the long river of history is magnificent and full of lofty sentiments.
  The brilliant "July 1" and "July 1" are gorgeous. Chinese children gather under the bright red flag to pave the way of power. Several generations of Chinese children wave silver sickles and cut thorns, make progress and draw a new picture with practical giant pens.
  The road to a powerful country has been constantly extended in the footsteps of exploration, and the dream of prosperity has been realized day by day. Daqing Oilfield is bright with bright lights, the Yangtze River bridge flies north and south, and mushroom clouds are flying straight to the sky. Although the road of powerful country has been tortuous, the exploration has never stopped. The gorgeous Bauhinia flowers and the intoxic
ating golden lotus bloom with a long-standing smile. The success of the bid, the success of Shenbo, and the accession to the The great joy of China has been continuous“ The July 1st declaration brings together a generation of generation of benevolent volunteers, which has raised a round of red days on the eastern horizon.
  The glorious course of one hundred years has revealed an eternal truth: the Communist Party of China is the mainstay of the times and the backbone of the Chinese nation.
  Yes, the party is 100 years old. We are happy for the long history of the party. We are also proud that the party is still energetic, still vigorous and forward at the age of 100!
  "The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, how loud the song of victory is, singing our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity and strength.". This song of "singing the motherland" is the most beautiful song in my heart, although it has no beautiful music and beautiful lyrics. Whenever I hear this song, I feel excited because I grew up in a prosperous and pow
erful country - China, the third largest country in the world with a population of 1.3 billion and an area of 9.6 million square kilometers, And in my dear motherland, there is a deeply loved party, called the Communist Party of China.