    I'm Sheila.I 'm only sixteen but I        1      what I want to do. I make good use of my free time to live a meaningful life.
    When the school year started.I joined the school newspaper.I chose to work as a        2      there because I love talking to people and writing.I have to write an article every week and that keeps        3      very busy.
   Although I'm quite busy, I        4      to join Greenpeace.My school has a Greenpeace group.The group makes leaflets(小册子)to ask people to save the planet.I love doing this kind of work.
             5      I'm quite good at French and English,I am often asked to translate
(翻译) some leaflets from French into English.The leaflets are mainly        6      how to save endangered(濒危的)animals.I feel very        7      for those animals.They are so cute, but maybe we can't see them years later.I learned a lot from Greenpeace and helped solve some environmental problems in my neighborhood.I'm happy I can        8      .Also,it's important to        9      our own interests.I enjoy working for Greenpeace and I get much        10      from giving my time to it.
1. A. ask
B. cover
C. know
D. forget
2. A. reporter
B. driver
C. pilot
D. pianist
3. A. him
B. her
C. you
D. me
4. A. refused
B. decided
C. questioned
D. celebrated
5. A. Because
B. Although
C. Or
D. But
6. A. by
B. in
C. with
D. about
7. A. tired
B. funny
C. sad
D. angry
8. A. get a surprise
B. make a difference
C. put off
D. wake up
9. A. lose
B. stand
C. fix
D. follow
10. A. satisfaction
B. preparation
C. service
D. control
(1)考查动词的辨析。句意:我是希拉,我只有十六,但是我知道我想做什么。我充分利用我的空闲时间,过有意义的生活。根据“I make good use of my free time to live a meaningful life.”可知。A.ask询问;B.cover覆盖;D.know知道;D.forget忘记。故选C。
(2)考查名词的辨析。句意:学年开始的时候,我加入了学校的报社。我选择成为一个记者,因为我爱与人交谈和写作。根据前文“  When the school year started.I joined the school newspaper”可知。A.reporter记者;B.driver司机;C.pilot飞行员;D.pianist钢琴家。故选A。
(4)考查动词的辨析。句意:虽然我很忙,但我还是决定加入绿和平组织。我的学校有一个绿和平组,组的传单要求人们拯救地球。根据前文“Although I'm quite busy”可知与后文为转折关系。A.refused拒绝;B.decided决定;C.questioned问问题;D.celebrated庆祝。故选B。
(5)考查连词的辨析。句意:因为我擅长法语和英语,我经常要求翻译一些传单从法语译成英语。根据后文“I am often asked to translate (翻译) some leaflets from French into English.”可知与前文为因果关系。A.Because因为;B.Although尽管;C.Or或者;D.But但是。故选A。
(7)考查形容词的辨析。句意:我觉得非常悲伤为那些动物。他们是如此的可爱,但也许我们不能见到他们很多年之后。根据后文“.They are so cute, but maybe we can't see them years later”可知。A.tired累;B.funny有趣;C.sad悲伤的;D.angry生气的。故选C。
(8)考查动词短语的辨析。句意:我从绿和平组织学到很多,解决了我家附近的一些环境问题。我很高兴我能受到影响。根据前文“I learned a lot from Greenpeace”可知。A.get a surprise得到惊喜;B.make a difference受到影响;C.put off推迟;D.wake up醒来。故选B。
(10)考查名词的辨析。句意:我喜欢为绿和平组织工作和我很满意给我的工作时间了。根据前文“I enjoy working for Greenpeace”可知。A.satisfaction满意;B.preparation准备;C.service服务;D.control控制。故选A。
    My name is Paul.This happened to me when I was traveling in Paris.
    I was walking on the street when a man came up to me.“Do you speak English?”he asked.
    “Yes.”I said.
    Then he said he was a cook from Montreal,Canada.He told me he had a(n)        1      .“I'm here in Paris with my wife and our        2      children,and we don't have enough money for a hotel.My wife tried to get money from a cash machine(自动取款机),but she couldn't        3      the PIN number(密码).She used the wrong number three times,so the machine kept her card.Could you        4      me?”I wasn't sure,so I asked to see his passport(护照).“My passport is with my wife.She is tired,so she's        5      in a coffee shop with our three children.We only need $100 for the night,and I        6       I'll pay you b
ack.”By this time the man was actually crying,so I thought he was telling the truth.I        7      to lend him the money.Then we went to a cash machine,and I gave him the money.He said thank you and left.I        8      saw him or heard from him again.
    I knew maybe his story wasn't true.        9      I felt like I had to help him at that time.What if he had some other difficulties that he just hoped to hide        10      anyone? Anyway, $100 wasn't that much and helping him made me feel peaceful.           
1. A. plan
B. problem
C. illness
D. idea
2. A. five
B. four
C. three
D. two
3. A. remember
B. write
C. change
D. copy
4. A. forget
B. teach
C. choose
D. help
5. A. waiting
B. acting
C. practicing
D. working
6. A. realize
B. promise
C. advise
D. wonder
7. A. missed
B. hated
C. agreed
D. hurried
8. A. still
B. even
C. only
D. never
9. A. So
B. But
C. Or
D. And
10. A. from
B. under
C. with
D. into
(1)句意:他告诉我他有一个问题。A.plan计划;B.problem问题;C.illness疾病;D.idea想法。根据we don't have enough money for a hotel.可知,这个人在给作者说他遇到的问题,故选B。