兰州市外国语高中 张永强
2、whether/ if:有一定意义,不做成分,表明信息具有不确定性;
Notes: 选择引导词时,先确定从句的类型,然后根据从句中信息的完整与否确定用连接代词或者连接副词,再做进一步的辨析和选择。
e.g. The man told me that he had travelled through the small county already.
  My mother asked me whether/ if I would go there alone the next week.
  The boy is no longer what he used to be.
  They dont know why she made the choice about her job.
e.g. Their teacher said that when the class was over, there would be a lecture.
  She told them that what she had seen really frightened her.
  He informed us that if there should be electricity failure, wed better stay inside.
  They showed us that that he came from the countryside didnt stop him from achieving his dreams.
e.g. What he said at the meeting impressed us a lot.(=The words that)
  She didnt accept what I bought for her.(=the things that)
  I am no longer what I used to be five years ago.(=the person that)
  China is no longer suggest的名词what she was twenty years ago.(=the country that)
  A new school has been set up in what was a factory last century.(=the place that)
  She was at a loss what she should say to him.
4、whether与if有区别:if一般只用于引导宾语从句,且当从句中有or not或着从句作介词的宾语时,只能使用wheher表达“是否”。
e.g. I have no idea whether the teacher come here or not.
  Your success will mainly depend on whether you have got well prepared.
e.g. I dont know whether/ if he is interested in folk music.
  I know that he isn’t fond of reading novles.
e.g. There are so many shoes on sale and she doesnt know which she should buy.
  She has just a little money and she doesnt know what she can buy with it.
e.g. I dont think (that) youre right.
  The boy said (that) he came from a remote village and that he missed his parents.
e.g. Who will go there has not been decided yet.
  Whoever will go there should get well prepared for any situations possible.
9、what与whatever有区别:前者只能引导名词性从句,而后者要么相当于anything that引导名词性从句,要么相当于no matter what引导让步状语从句。
e.g. Whatever can be eaten has been eaten up.(名词性从句)
  Whatever you may say, I just wont believe you.(让步状语从句)
e.g. You should give this letter to whoever is in charge of the office.
  You should give this letter to whoever/ whomever you see in the office.
e.g. I dont know if/ when he will come this evening; but if/ when he comes, I will let you know.
e.g. My question is whether you will arrive there on time if you walk there.
  Our problem is that nobody here can help us repair our car.
e.g. There is no doubt that China is the largest developing country in the world.
  She is in great doubt whether her mother will recover from the illness.
e.g. Would you mind if I opened the window now?
  Do you mind if I smoke here?
1)英语动词like, hate, make, take, appreciate及短语see to, depend on等后面经常会跟上形式宾语it(近似于古汉语中的结构助词)。
e.g. I hate it when you speak with your mouth full.
  You should see to it that everyone here can have a chair to sit on.
  I would appreciate it if you closed the door after you.
2)英语动词think, believe, consider, find, make等后面经常接it作形式宾语再加宾语补足语,然后跟上that引导的宾语从句。
e.g. We must make it clear that we dont take sides in the argument.
  They made it a rule that all the students should wear their school uniforms.
  She thinks it impossible that she can catch up with others in English.