1. My Spring Festival Day
On the first day of Spring Festival, I woke up early and put on new clothes. I greeted my parents and grandparents with "Happy New Year" and received red packets. We had a big family breakfast with traditional Chinese food, including dumplings and rice cake. Afterwards, we spent time together making decorations, playing games, and chatting. In the evening, we gathered to watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and set off fireworks. It was a joyful and memorable day.
2. A Visit to My Relatives
During Spring Festival, it is common for us to visit our relatives. This year, I went with my parents to my uncle's house. We arrived early in the morning and exchanged greetings. My cousin, who lives in a different city, also came to visit. We had a big family feast, with dishes like fish, chicken, and vegetables. We chatted and caught up on each other's lives. Afterward
s, we played mahjong and watched TV. The day went by quickly, and we left in the evening with warm wishes for the new year.
3. Celebrating with Friends
Spring Festival is not only a time for family, but also for friends. I invited some of my close friends over to my house for a celebration. We played games, like "Happy Roommates" and "Werewolf," and ate snacks like sunflower seeds, chips, and candy. For dinner, we ordered takeout, which included noodles and dumplings. We exchanged red packets and gave each other blessings for the new year. Although we were not with our families, we had a great time together.
4. A Day of Rest and Relaxation
On the third day of Spring Festival, my family and I decided to take a break from the festivities and rest at home. We slept in, watched movies, and read books. We also took naps and enjoyed some quiet time. In the evening, we ordered pizza and had a casual dinner. It was nice to have a day of relaxation during this busy time.
5. Spring Festival Shopping
Before Spring Festival, people usually do a lot of shopping for food, decorations, and gifts. I went to the local street market with my mom to buy some decorations for our home. We looked at red lanterns, door hangings, and couplets. We also bought some snacks, like candied fruit and rice crackers, to give to visitors. It was fun to see all the colors and designs, and to be part of the festive atmosphere.
关于新年的英语作文6. A Visit to the Temple Fair
In some cities, there are temple fairs during Spring Festival. I went with my family to a local one. There were many stalls selling souvenirs, food, and games. We tried different snacks, such as tangyuan, fried rice cakes, and sugar-coated haws. We also watched traditional performances, like lion dances and drum shows. We had a great time exploring and experiencing the traditional culture of this holiday.
7. Helping with Preparations
Before Spring Festival, there is a lot of work to be done to prepare for the celebration. I helped my mom and dad clean the house and decorate it with red lanterns and flowers. We also made dumplings together, which is a traditional activity during Spring Festival. We rolled out the dough, filled it with pork and vegetables, and shaped them into little crescents. It was tiring but fun to be part of the preparations.
8. A New Year's Resolution
During Spring Festival, it is a common practice to make a New Year's resolution. This year, I decided to study harder and improve my grades. I also want to be more positive and kind to others. We wrote our resolutions on red paper and hung them on the wall. It is a reminder to me that the new year is a fresh start and an opportunity to better myself.
9. A Family Reunion Dinner
On New Year's Eve, it is customary for Chinese families to have a reunion dinner. I went with my parents and siblings to my grandparents' house. We had a big feast with lots of deli
cious dishes, such as steamed fish, roast duck, and braised pork. We shared stories and laughed together. It was a time of bonding and appreciation for each other.
10. Reflection on the Year
Spring Festival is a time to reflect on the past year and set new goals for the coming year. I thought about my achievements and challenges in school and personal life, as well as the people who have influenced me. I also thought about what I want to improve on and how I can reach my goals. It was a time of introspection and self-awareness.