The New Big Head's Little Head's Father Fishing Initiative is an educational animated film that demonstrates familyfort, filiation and growth education by describing the story of a father—child fishing. In animated films, small—headed fathers went fishing with their big—headed sons and, despite some difficulties, they helped each other, encouraged them and succeeded. The work vividly demonstrates the importance of family harmony, mutual understanding and support between fathers and sons, and conveys the values ofmitment in the face of difficulties and challenges in growing up. This is in line with the lines, guidelines and policies of our party, emphasizing the important role of family education in the upbringing of the next generation and reflecting the core values of socialism. It also reminds us of the importance we attach to family education, to filiation and to promoting the transmission and promotion of the core values of socialism in the family.
When I watched the New Big Head's Little Head—Father Fishing Operation, I felt the importance of apanying andmunicating with my father and son. It is not only an exercise, but also, and more importantly, a process through which they have improved their understanding and feelings. In everyday life, parents must be more supportive of their children,municate more with them and respect their thoughts and feelings, which are important for their growth and development. Parent—childmunication also allows parents to better understand their children ' s inner world and provide them with better education and guidance.
Animated film " The New Head ' s Little Head ' s Father Fishing Initiative " , a work that integrates educational and recreational elements, not only pleases the audience, but, more importantly, stimulates deep thinking about family education and parent—child relationships. Parenting and understanding are far—reaching, and children need to grow up with the care and education of the family, and parents need to better understand their inner world through interaction with their children in order to promote their growth and development. The animated film conveys to the audience a warm and positive energy and stimulates deep thinking about the family and education.