    As a student researcher, I have conducted a study on the internet usage in the auntie's class. I found that the aunties in the class have varying internet usage habits. Some of them are very tech-savvy and use the internet for social media, online shopping, and even video streaming. They are always up to date with the latest trends and news on the internet. On the other hand, there are also aunties who are not very familiar with the internet and only use it for basic tasks like checking emails or browsing the web for information.
    One example is Auntie Li, who is always on her phone checking her WeChat moments and posting updates. She is very active on social media and loves to share photos and videos with her friends and family. On the other hand, Auntie Wang is not very comfortable with using the internet and often asks for help from her classmates when she needs to do something online.
    Overall, the internet usage in the auntie's class varies from person to person, and it's interesting to see how different people have adapted to the digital age in their own ways.