谈论如何学习(Talk about how to study)
1.—How do you learn English?你是怎样学习英语的?
—I learn by working with a group. 我通过小组学习。
2.—Do you learn English by reading aloud?你通过大声阅读来学习英语吗?
—Yes, I do. It helps me with my pronunciation./It helps my pronunciation.
3.—How can I improve my pronunciation?我怎样能改善我的发音?
—One way is by listening to tapes/radio.一个方法是通过听磁带/收音机。
4.—How can I read faster ?我怎样才能阅读得更快?
You can read faster by reading word groups. 你可以通过阅读词组来读快点儿。
给出个人反应(Give a personal reaction)
5.—What did you do on your summer/winter vacation?你暑假/寒假做什么了?
—I visited my cousin.我拜访了我的表弟。
6.—What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?
—I love the races. I think that they’re interesting to watch.
7.—Why do people go on the streets to throw water at each other from April 13th to 15th?为什么人们从4月13日到15日在街上互相泼水?
—Because it’s a time for cleaning and washing away bad luck.
8.—What have you learned about Halloween?你了解到了关于万圣节的什么?
—Oh, it’s a popular festival in North America and it’s on October 31st.
谈论过去某人的样子(Talk about what one used to be like)
1.I used to be short. 我过去很矮。
2.She didn't use/used not to like tests. 过去她不喜欢考试。
3.—You used to be short, didn’t you?你过去很矮,是吗?
—Yes, I did. /No, I didn't. 是的,我过去很矮。/不,我过去不矮。
4.—Did he use to wear glasses?他过去常戴眼镜吗?
—Yes, he did ./ No, he didn’t. 是的,他过去常戴眼镜。/不,他过去不常戴眼镜。
礼貌地询问信息(Ask for information politely)
5.—Could you please tell us how to get to the post office?
—Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there. 对不起,我不确定如何去那里。
6.—Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?
—Sure. There is a drugstore down the street. 当然。这条街上有一个药店。
7.—Could you tell me when the band starts playing this evening?
—It starts at 8: 晚上8点开始。
咨询方向(Follow directions)
8.—I wonder where we should go next. 我想知道我们接下来应该去哪里。
—You should try that new ride over there. 你应该试试那边的新的过山车。
谈论产品制作材料和产地(Talk about what products are made of and where they were made)
1.—How is tea produced?茶是怎样生产出来的? 
—Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready , they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. 茶植物被种植在山坡上,当茶叶长成后,它们被手工采摘下来,然后送去加工。
2.—Are your shirts made of cotton?你的衬衫是由棉花制成的吗?
—Yes, they are. And they were made in the US.
3.—What’s the model plane made of?飞机模型是由什么制成的?
—It’s made of used wood and glass. 它是由旧木头和玻璃制成的。
谈论发明的历史(Talk about the history of inventions)
4.—When was tea brought to Korea?茶是什么时候被带到朝鲜的? 
—It was brought to Korea during the 6th and 7th centuries.
5.—What is the hot ice-cream scoop used for?热冰激凌勺是做什么用的?
—It’s used for serving really cold ice-cream. 它被用来挖很冷的冰淇淋。
6.—When was the zipper invented?拉链是什么时候被发明的?
—It was invented in 1893.它是1893年被发明的。
7.—Who was it invented by?它是被谁发明的?
—It was invented by Whitcomb Judson.它是由惠特科姆·贾德森发明的。
谈论你被允许做的事(Talk about what you are allowed to do)
1.—Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?
—No, I don't agree with this. Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.
2.—I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.
—I agree . They aren't careful enough. 我同意。他们还不够细心。
3.—Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to have part-time jobs.
—I disagree. They can learn a lot from working.
4.Mr. Smith says we mustnt take photos here. 史密斯先生说这里禁止我们拍照。
作出推测(Make inferences)
5.—Whose volleyball is this? 这是谁的排球?
—It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. 它一定是卡拉的。她喜爱排球。
6.—Whose hair band is this?这是谁的发带?
—It could beMei's hair band. Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair.
7.—What did you see that night?那天晚上你看到了什么?
—I'm not sure, but it can’t be a dog. 我不确定,但它不可能是一条狗。
表达偏爱(Express preferences)
1.—What kind of food do you enjoy?你喜欢什么样的食物?
—I enjoy food that/which is sweet. 我喜欢甜食。
2.—What kind of music do you like?你喜欢什么样的音乐?
—I love music that/which I can sing along with. 我喜欢那种能跟着一起唱的音乐。
—I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢歌词优美的音乐。
3.—What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢什么样的电影?