Scholarship Application Form for Foreign Students
姓名(同护照用名) Name(Same as in passport) | 姓 Family Name | 照 片 Photo | |||||
名 Given Name | |||||||
国 籍 Nationality | |||||||
男/Male □ 女/Female □ | 未婚/Single □ 已婚/Married □ | 宗教信仰 Religion | |||||
出生日期 Date of Birth | __________年/Year __________月/Mon __________日/Date | 出生地点 Place of Birth | 国家/Country:__________ 城市/City: __________ | ||||
永久通讯地址及电话号码 Permanent Address and Tel. | 国家/Country 城市 /City /Postal Code 电话/Tel. | ||||||
目前通讯地址及电话号码 Current address and Tel. | 国家/Country 城市 /City /Postal Code 电话/Tel. | ||||||
电子邮箱 E-mail | 最后学历 Highest Academic Degree | ||||||
护照号码 Passport No. | 护照有效期 Date of Expiry | _____年/Year_____月/Mon_____日/Date | |||||
学习专业 Subject of field of study | 申请类别Application Category | 院长特别奖学金 / Scholarship □ | |||||
奖学金申请表本人申请的奖学金为人民币(The scholarship I wish to apply for ) 入学时间(Enrollment Time): 本人签字My Signature: | |||||||
留学生归口管理部门意见 Views of the management department of foreign students | |||||||
院长审批意见 Proposal of the College’s Principal | |||||||
1. 本页由奖学金申请人本人逐项认真填写;
The applicant shall carefully fill in the following parts;
2. 请申请人认真阅读注意事项后再填写下列各项;
Please read CAREFULLY the IMPORTANT NOTES before filling out the form;
3. 请申请人用中文或英文清楚地填写以下各项,不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。
Please fill all the information requested. Handwriting is not acceptable. Please write None if not applicable。