    A typhoon is a powerful tropical cyclone that forms over warm ocean waters. It is characterized by strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges. Typhoons can cause widespread destruction and loss of life, especially in coastal areas. They are often accompanied by thunderstorms, lightning, and torrential downpours. The strength of a typhoon is measured using the Saffir-Simpson scale, which categorizes them from Category 1 (weakest) to Category 5 (strongest).
    Living in a coastal city, I have experienced the devastating effects of a typhoon firsthand. Last year, Typhoon Hato hit our city, bringing with it destructive winds and heavy rain. The strong winds uprooted trees, damaged buildings, and caused power outages. The heavy rain resulted in flooding, making it difficult for people to move around. The storm surge caused the sea level to rise, leading to coastal erosion and damage to infrastructure along the coast.
    In addition to the physical damage caused by a typhoon, there are also economic consequences. Businesses are forced to close, leading to a loss of income for both business owners and employees. The agriculture sector is also heavily affected, as crops are destroyed by the strong winds and heavy rain. The government has to allocate funds for disaster relief and reconstruction efforts, putting a strain on the national budget.
    Despite the destructive nature of typhoons, there are measures that can be taken to mitigate their impact. Building codes can be enforced to ensure that structures are able to withstand strong winds. Early warning systems can be put in place to alert residents of an approaching typhoon, giving them time to evacuate if necessary. Drainage systems can be improved to prevent flooding. These measures, combined with public awareness and preparedness, can help reduce the damage caused by typhoons.