Unit4  让情感体验与认知过程共生
--------He  studies  harder  than  he used to?
本课为人民教育出版社Go for it!九年级第四单元Reading部分的内容。阅读材料讲的是留守儿童在当今学业中面临的问题及解决方法。此篇阅读意在培养学生从略读到细读,有浅及深的阅读技巧。学生通过对阅读材料的学习,了解到留守儿童存在的问题及现状从而培养学生主动解决问题的意识和能力,在交流中寻求帮助。 坚持自己的观点,听取别人建议,从而使学生形成乐观宽容大度慷慨的个性。
A 掌握阅读材料中的词汇和句子。
It  is  hard  to  believe ...  ,    Be  absent  from
In  person,  take  care  of ,  take  pride  in
Be  proud  of  ,  Used  to  do 
动其他各层次学生有效 高效的开展学习。
环节 warm—up
Brainstorming adjectives about feelings
  2  Use adjectives to  talk  about feelings in  pairs
T:I  have  a friend called  Li  Wen,He is a 15-year-old boy from the countryside. He is one of the stay-at-home children. He used  to  feel  lonely, Do  you  want  to  know  why?Now, let’s read his story.
Now lets  read  the  following  four sentences,try to translate  them  into  Chinese,If  you have  problems,you can ask  your  partners  for  help.  Then skim the article  and match  the  main  idea  with  each  paragraph.
环节三 While  reading----Scanning
1、scan  the  article, then finish the exercises. “T” for true, “F” for false. First look  at the  following  sentences If  you have  problems,you can solve  in  pairs.
1.Li Wen used to have difficulties in school.
2.His parents left him behind and he felt very lonely and unhappy.
3.He didn’t like his grandparents.
4.He works very hard and does well in school when his grandparents came to look after him.
5.He missed his parents so much and wanted to live with them
2、Read the second paragraph and then choose the right answer
Why did Li Wen became less interested in studying?
A. He is a lazy boy.
B. He wants to play outside.
  C. He felt lonely and unhappy.
D. He doesn’t like to study.
3、Read  the  passage  again, Fill  the  blanks  初中英语学习方法according  to  the  passage and retell  it.
  He felt ________ and  ________.
He was ____________ now, because
he knew his parents __________________.
He_____________ classes and _______his examinations.
He worked __________than he used to.
He was _____ and was not be able to ____________ quickly in school.
He became ___________  and _________ in school.