1. aberration [,æbə'reɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 背离正确的情况;不正直
In 1974, Poland won the World Cup, but the success turned out to be an aberration, and Poland have not won a World Cup since.
2. abhor [əb'hɔː]
v. 憎恶;痛恨
Because he always wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to play cricket, Marcin began to abhor the sport.
3. acquiesce [,ækwɪ'es]
v. 默然(或勉强)同意;默认
Though Mr. Pospieszny wanted to stay outside and work in his garage, when his wife told him that he had better come in to dinner, he acquiesced to her demands.
4. alacrity [ə'lækrɪtɪ]
n. 乐意,欣然
For some reason, Simon loved to help his girlfriend whenever he could, so when his girlfriend asked him to set the table he did so with alacrity.
5. amiable ['eɪmɪəb(ə)l]
adj. 友善的;和蔼可亲的
An amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone.
6. appease [ə'piːz]
v. 使平静
When Jerry cries, his mother gives him chocolate to appease him.
7. arcane [ɑː'keɪn]
adj. 深奥的,晦涩难解的
The professor is an expert in arcane Kashubian literature.
8. bizarre [bɪ'zɑː]
adj. 奇异的,怪异的
The building was of bizarre appearance.
9. brazen ['breɪz(ə)n]
adj. 厚脸皮的
Critics condemned the writer's brazen attempt to plagiarize Frankow-Czerwonko's work.
10. brusque [brʊsk]
adj. 粗暴的,生硬无礼
Simon's brusque manner sometimes offends his colleagues.
11. cajole [kə'dʒəʊl受伤的心]
v. 劝诱;哄骗
Magda's friends cajoled her into drinking too much.
12. callous ['kæləs]
adj. 铁石心肠的;起老茧的
The murderer's callous lack of remorse shocked the jury.
13. candor ['kændɚ]
n. 爽直,坦率
We were surprised by the candor of the politician's speech because she is usually rather evasive.
14. chide [tʃaɪd]
v. 责骂,责备
Hania chided Gregory for his vulgar habits and sloppy appearance.
15. circumspect ['sɜːkəmspekt]
adj. 考虑周到的
Though I promised Marta's father I would bring her home promptly by midnight, it would h
ave been more circumspect not to have specified a time.
16. clandestine [klæn'destɪn]
adj. 暗中的;偷偷摸摸的
Announcing to her boyfriend that she was going to the library, Maria actually went to meet George for a clandestine liaison.
Clandestine meetings were held in parking lots and diners.
17. coerce [kəʊ'ɜːs]
v. 胁迫;迫使
The court decided that David did not have to honor the contract because he had been coerced into signing it.
18. coherent [kə(ʊ)'hɪər(ə)nt]
adj. 连贯的;协调的
William could not figure out what Harold had seen because he was too distraught to deliver a coherent statement.
19. complacency [kəm'pleɪs(ə)nsɪ]
n. 自鸣得意;自满情绪
Simon tried to shock his friends out of their complacency by painting a frightening picture of what might happen to them.
20. confidant ['kɒnfɪdænt; ,kɒnfɪ'dɑːnt]
n. 密友,心腹
Shortly after we met, he became my chief confidant.
21. connive [kə'naɪv]
v. 暗中勾结,密谋
She connived to get me to give up my plans to start up a new business.
22. cumulative ['kjuːmjʊlətɪv]
adj. 累积的,渐增的
The cumulative effect of hours spent browsing Chinadaily Wechat account was a vast improvement in his vocabulary and general level of English.
23. debase [dɪ'beɪs]
v. 使贬值;贬损
The large raise that he gave himself debased his motives for running the charity.
24. decry [dɪ'kraɪ]
v. 公然非难,谴责
The village chief decried the appalling state of the roads in the village.
25. deferential [defə'renʃ(ə)l]
adj. 恭敬的
Donata is always excessively deferential to any kind of authority figure.
26. demure [dɪ'mjʊə]
adj. 端庄的;娴静的
Though everyone else at the party was dancing and going crazy, she remained demure.