Lesson 35-36 六年级英语笔记(上册)
1. autumn in autumn 在秋天
2. the third season of the year 这一年中的第三个季节
3. get cooler and cooler 变得越来越凉爽
4. get shorter and shorter变得越来越短
5. gold 金的the gold season金的季节 golden黄金的 golden cup 金杯
6. the leaves on the trees 树上的叶子
7. harvest收割 be busy doing 忙于做某事be busy harvesting忙于收割
8. pick apples / flowers / pears / flowers / peaches / cherries / strawberries …
9. winter in winter 在冬天
10. the fourth season of the year这一年中的第四个季节
11. the first season反义词the last season
12. next season同义词last season
13. the white season 白的季节
14. everything / everyone / everybody+动词三单
everything表示部分否定 Money isn’t everything.
anything表示全部否定 He doesn’t catch anything.
15. really beautiful的确很美(副词修饰形容词) badly ill 病得很重
16. keep / raise animals养动物feedanimals喂养动物
17. play with snow玩雪
below反义词18. cut rice / the grass 割水稻
19. sweep the floor 扫地
20. make a snowman堆雪人  snowman --- snowmen
21. feed the animals喂动物 ; feed … to … 喂给…; feed … with … .
22. get into…到达里去
23. kick sth to sb 踢给
24. luck幸运--- lucky 幸运的
25. What’s the weather like?=How’s the weather?
Revision6 六年级英语笔记(上册)
1. the boat on the river 船在水里用on,,鸭子,鹅在水里in
2. go boating 去划船
3. The city is on the river. 城市在河畔。
4. look into+地点,look out of +地点
5. below下面(斜下方)
6. used to do sth.过去常做某事I used to get up at 5 o’clock.
be used to doing习惯于I am used to getting up at 5 o’clock.
7. with,强调工具(在一起) Give me a pen to write with.
8. in用,强调材料 Give me some ink to write in.
9. a picture about springtime一幅关于春季的图画
10. about关于,内容较普遍,不正式
11. on关于用,语系统专业的学科之前