  He will drive to Nanjing. 他将开车去南京。
  (2) from表示“自,从,来自”。如:
  Where are you from 你是哪儿人
  I am from Jiangsu Province. 我是江苏人。
  Mr. Smith used a lift to go up and down. 史密斯先生乘电梯上下。
  ( 4)down表示“向……下,沿着……往下”。如:
  Go down the street then you’ll find the shop. 沿着这条街走,你就会发现那个商店。
  The students are running round the playground. 学生们正绕着操场跑步。
  A boy walked across the park just now. 一个男孩刚才穿过公园。
  The river ran through the city. 那条河从城中流过。
  There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。
  *to表示“朝......(方向),向......(方向)”,是指朝着目的地的方向,即to后跟表示目的地的名词。如:He’s going to school.
  *toward表示“朝......(方向),向......(方向)”,是指朝着某个方向移动,toward后跟表示方向的名词。如:He’s going towards school.
  表示“在......的拐角”的at the corner,in the corner与on the corner
  *in the corner对于从内侧看用in the corner,用于箱子、房间的角落,表示偏僻的地方、隐秘的地方。对于从外侧看用at the corner或on the corner。
  *at the corner表示地点时,经常指“在街道拐角”,也可表示“临近”。如:
  There is a store at the corner.
  *on the corner表示从外侧看到的部分(有时可与at替换),意为“在街道拐角”。如:
  She is waiting for you on the corner of the street.
  表示“在墙上”的in the wall与on the wall
  *in the wall表示“在墙上”指穿过或在墙内。如:
  There’s a window in the wall.
  There are some holes in the wall.
  *on the wall表示“在墙上”,指在墙的表面,强调面与面的接触。如:
  There is a beautiful picture on the wall.
  表示“在树上”的in the tree与on the tree
  *in the tree指不是树上自身生长的,而是逗留在树上的鸟、人等。如:
  There’s a bird in the tree.
  *on the tree指生长在树上的叶子果实等。如:
  Don’t pick the apples on the tree.
  The boys comes from America.
  She waited for you here from five o’clock.
  *out of表示“从......”,指从里面到外面,强调最后的结果是在外面,有“从......中出来”的意思。
  如:She took a toy out of her dog.
  Don’t look out of the window,please.
  I know it by heart.
  They made the flowers by hand.
  The streets are lighted by electricity.
  如:We see with our eyes.
  He cut it open with a knife.
  Can you sing this song in English?
  We usually write in ink.
  They usually boil eggs in water.
  *by表示乘坐某种交通工具时,交通工具名词前不能用任何冠词,也不能加任何的修饰词。如:by bus乘公共汽车;by bike骑自行车;by car乘坐小汽车;by train乘坐火车;by plane乘飞机;by air乘飞机;by ship乘坐轮船;by sea坐轮船;by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船。
below反义词  *in表示乘坐某种交通工具时,交通工具名词前通常要有冠词或物主代词修饰,in侧重于在里面。如:in a car乘汽车;in a taxi乘的士;in a helicopter乘直升机;in a boat乘小船;in a lift(elevator)乘电梯。
  *on表示乘坐某种交通工具时,交通工具名词前通常也要有冠词或物主代词修饰,on侧重于在平面。如:on a bus乘巴士;on a train乘火车;on a plane乘飞机;on a ship乘轮船;on a bicycle/motorbike骑自行车/摩托车;on a horse/an elephant骑马/大象。
  I have five other books besides this.
  *except表示“除......以外”,指“除了......都”,其含义是“从整体里减去一部分”,着重于“有一部分被排除在外或不包括在内”,except后的词便是被排除的部分,常与all,everything,everybody,every day,always等词连用。如:
  We all went there except Xiao Li.
  There is nothing but a desk in the room.
  except和except for都表示“除......以外”,except主要用来谈论同类的东西,而except for则主要用来谈论不同类或不同范畴的东西;位于句首时except for而不用except。如:
  He eats everything except fish.
  Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes.
  Except for an old lady,the bus was empty.