学员编号:                            级:新初一              数:3
学员姓名:                        辅导科目:英语              学科教师:
1 in, onto
        in                    on                          to
in 表示在某一地区之内的某方位(属于该范围);Shanghai lies in the east of China.
to 表示在某一地区之外的某方位(不属于该范围);Japan lies to the east of China.
on表示与某地是毗邻关系(两地接壤)。Mongolia lies on the north of China.
1. Jiangsu is___ the east of China, but Japan is ___ the east of China. 
A. to; in        B. in; to        C. on; to          D. to; on
2. Hong Kong is ______ the south of China, and Macao is ______ the west of Hong Kong.
      A. in; to        B. to; to        C. to; in        D. in; in
2overaboveon      belowunder   
on ……上面表示与表面接触。其反义词是beneath.
There is a cup on the desk.        There is a note beneath the desk.
above ……之上指相对高度,不一定是正上方,其反义词是below.
      The plane flew above the clouds.  The coat reaches below the knees.
over ……之上指垂直之上,正上方,其反义词是under.
There is a bridge over the river.    There are many bikes under the tree.
below under
There are many bikes under the trees.      The temperature will fall below zero tomorrow.
1. The boat is passing___ the bridge.
A. through        B. below        C. under      D. across
2 .Two planes are flying___ the city.
A. through        B. over        C. on        D. below
3. Do you see the kite ___ the building.
A. over            B. cross        C. on          D. above
keysC B D 
3in front ofin the front of
in front of表示……之前,可用before替换(范围外)
There are some trees in front of the classroom.
in the front of表示……的前部(范围内)
Our teacher usually stands in the front of the classroom.
The bus driver is at/in the front of the bus.(在。。。内部的前面)
The old woman is in front of the bus.(在。。。外部的前面)
The women is at the back of the bus.(在。。。内部的后面)
The little girl is behind the bus.(在。。。外部的后面)
Tom sits ____the classroom while John sits ____the room.
A. in front of; at back of        B. in the front of; at the back of 
C. in front of; at the back of    D. in the front of; at back of
4in at
in+ 较大的地点  in China  in the world
at +较小的地点    at the bus stop  at home
    1. Uncle Wang arrived____ Paris half an hour ago.
A. at          B. in          C. to          D. /
2. They are waiting ___ a bus ___ the bus stop.
A. for; in      B. on; at        C. with; at      D. for; at
keysB  D
5in on
1. He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it.
A. on; on        B. at; in        C. on; in      D. on; at
2. There is a door___ the wall. 
A. on          B. to          C. of        D. in
3. There are some birds singing___ the trees.
A. in          B. on          C. at        D. from
4. There are so many apples___ that tree.
A. in          B. on          C. at        D. from
        如:by air/by plane 乘飞机  by ship/ by sea 乘船 by bike骑自行车 by bus 乘公交车 by car 乘车
如: in this plane  乘坐这班飞机 on an early train 乘坐早班的火车  on my bike 骑我的自行车
注意:步行、骑马、骑骆驼均用on.  on foot 步行    on a horse 骑马    on the camel 骑骆驼
如:with our ears  用我们的眼睛    with a pen 用钢笔
.      如:in English 用英语      in blue ink 用蓝墨水
如:by selling flowers 通过买花    by singing songs 通过唱歌
如:on the telephone.通过电话,在电话上  on the radio/on TV. 通过收音机/电视
. 牛津7A U1同步复习
1. invite  v. 邀请
e. g. I’ve invited the Smiths to visit us next Friday. . 我已经邀请史密斯一家下周五来家玩。
    He invited some classmates to come to his birthday party.
  【知识拓展】invitation n. 邀请函;请柬 
考点:invitation 名词      词组 invite sb. to do sth   
    1. The summer holiday is coming. I will      my cousins to visit the Great Wall. (invitation)
    2. My mother i      us to stay with his family. (首字母填空)
    3. Thank you for        (to invite/inviting) me to visit you.
    4. Have you got my        (invite) yet?
2. expensive    adj. 昂贵的
e. g. I think international calls are very expensive.  我认为国际电话费用很高。
below反义词【知识拓展】近义词:dear  adj. 昂贵的
      反义词:cheap adj. 便宜点
e. g. I would choose the cheaper one. 我还是选择稍便宜点的那个吧!
批注:注意英语中问价格的高低不能用expensive来回答,而应该是high 或者low.
(    )1. The price of the maglev is very         , isn’t it ?
    A. high      B. cheap        C. expensive      D. dear
3. talk to  与某人谈话
          = talk with sb.
e. g. He stopped to talk to me when seeing me.  看到我的时候,他停下来和我说话。
【指点迷津】talk; speak; say; tell 的区别
speak讲语言 speak to sb. about sth.
tell告诉 tell sb. sth. /tell sth. to sb.
say say sth. to sb.
talk交谈,聊天 talk to sb. /talk sb. about sth. 
▲ say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代 词或宾语从句。
e.g. He can say his name. 他会说他的名字。
Please say it in English. 请用英语用。
She`s saying ,Don`t draw on the wall.她在说别在墙上画
▲ speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容
作及物动词时,常以某种 语言作宾语。
作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有: speak of something/somebody谈到某事(某人)
speak to sb. 跟某 人讲话,
e.g. Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗?
She is speaking to her teacher. 她正在跟她的老师说话。
He spoke at the meeting yesterday. 他昨天在会上讲了话。
▲ talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是交谈,谈话,着重强调两具之间的 相互说话。
e.g. She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在和露茜用英语交谈。
What are you talking about? 你们在谈论什么?
The teacher is talking to him. 老师正在和他谈话。
▲ tell常作及物动词,意为讲述,告诉,动词常跟双宾语。 tell sb. sthtell sth to sb. 告诉某人某事。
e.g. He is telling the children a story. 他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。
Did you tell her the news? Did you tell the news to her? 你把这个消息告诉她了吗?
(    )1. Kitty is talking        Ben       their trip to Beijing.
      A. with; for      B. to; about      C. to…with      D. with…of
(    )2. You’ve got your aunt’s letter, what does she       ?
      A. say            B. speak        C. tell          D. tall
4. brochure  n. 资料手册
e. g. I’ll send you the brochure right away.  我会马上把资料手册给你寄过去。
5. agent    n. 代理人; 经纪人[来源:学*科*网]
e. g. He is now an agent. 他现在是一名代理人。
    【知识扩展】agency  n. 代理处
6. soon    adv. 不久;很快;马上
e. g. He will come back soon.  他很快就会回来。
7. at the end of (August)  (八月)
  e. g. He has sailed from Southampton for New York. 他从南安普顿港坐船去纽约。
      We sailed across the Atlantic in five days. 我们用5天时间坐船横渡大西洋。
【知识拓展】sailor  n. 水手,船员                sailing  n. 航行    adj. 航行的
批注:注意at the end; at last; in the end 的区别。
8. swan  n. 天鹅
e. g. This love story is about a swan prince and a swan princess.
9. raise  v. 提升,举起
e. g. He raised his arms above his arm. 他把手臂举过头顶。
【知识拓展】raise & rise
raise vt.
e.g. The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。
批注:很多孩子能区分出及物动词和不及物动词的区别,但就是没有办法弄清楚raiserise谁及物谁不及物,这里给孩子们想到一个技巧:raise    及物动词      (“五及四不及”)       
                                      rise    不及物动词
10. national  adj. 国家的
e.g. The national news comes after the international news. 国内新闻在国际新闻之后报道。
    【知识拓展】nationality  n. 国籍
                international  adj. 国际的
                nation      n. 国家
                native      adj. 当地的
11. brick n.
e.g. The wall is built of brick and stone.    这堵墙是转世砌成的。
12. stone  n. 石头;石料; 岩石
e.g. This is a stone building.  这是一座石料建筑物。
13. mountain  n. 高山;山岳
e.g. Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world.  珠穆朗玛是世界上最高的山峰。
    【知识拓展】mountainous adj. 多山的
14. ancient  adj. 古老的
e.g. Have you ever read about ancient Rome? 你读过关于古罗马的故事吗?
15. history  n. 历史
e.g. History is my favourite subject at school. 历史是我在学校中最喜爱的学科。
    【知识拓展】historical    adj. 历史上的;有关历史的,修饰的人或事都是过去的真人真事
                    e.g. a historical play  一部历史剧
                historic    adj. 有历史意义的,修饰某地具有悠久历史或指某事被载入史册。
                    e.g. a congress of historic significance  具有历史意义的大会
                history  n. 历史,是过去发生的真事
                story    n. 故事,指叙述的事是过去的,但不一定发生过。
16. interest  n. 吸引力;趣味;利润
e.g. I found no interest in such things.  我对这些不感兴趣。
【词性转换】interest    v.  使……感兴趣
            interested  adj. 感兴趣的;有兴趣的
            interesting  adj. 有趣的
17. holiday  n. 假期
e.g. We really enjoyed our holiday.  我们的假期玩得很开心。
批注:让学生注意holiday, festival, day三个做节日讲的不同之处,还有是否要加the
18. wonderful  adj. 精彩的; 令人高兴的
e.g. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. 
19. another  pron. 另一(事物或人)
e.g. I would like another day to rest.  我还想要一天休息。
    【比较】one… the other  one… another:
    There’s not a thing in his left hand. What about the other?  他左手什么东西也没有。另一只手呢?
    This jacket doesn’t fit me well. Show me another, please.  这件夹克不适合我。再拿一种给我看看。
批注:注意other, others, another, one… the other, some… others
1. - When did Mr. Green arrive in London?
  - He arrived there ___ the evening of December 6th.
  A. at      B.  in      C. on      D. to
2. The twins got on well ___ their classmates.
  A. to      B. in      C. with    D. about
3. They will have a maths test ___ two days.
A. for      B. at      C. in      D. after
4. Granny took one look at us ___ her glasses
A. by      B. through  C. on        D. in
5. We had our breakfast ___ a quarter ___ seven
A. / to  B. in to  C. at to    D. on to
6. I learn French ___ the radio every day
A. on      B. in        C. from      D. at
7. It's good manners to wait ___ line.
A. in      B. on        C. at        D. with
8. How many English words had you learnt ___ last term?
A. by the end of          B. at the end of
C. to the end of          D. till the end of[来源:学科网ZXXK]
9. The manager was very satisfied ___ his work
A. in      B. on        C. about    D. with
10. John hit Jack ___ face
A. on the    B. in the    C. on his    D. in his
Keys1~5  CCCBC      6~10  AAADB 
1. Both my parents were born ____1970.
A. at                B. in                C. on                    D. to
2.--Can a plane fly _______ the Atlantic Ocean? 
--Yes, but it needs to go_________ the clouds for hours.
A. across, through                    B. through, across     
C. across, across                    D. through, through
3. We can get fresh water from rain, from rivers, or from ________ the ground.
A. across            B. under            C. over                    D. off
4.—Is the film interesting?   
—I thought it would be. But ______, it’s very boring.
A. in all                B. in fact              C. in addition          D. in future
5. I hear our teacher will be back          three weeks' time.
A. at                    B. in                    C. for                      D. after
6.— What does your English teacher look like?  — She’s tall and thin ________ long hair.
A. have                 B. has                   C. there is                  D. with
7. Your coat looks very nice. What's it made ______?
—Cotton,  and it is made _______ Wuhan.
A. from; in            B. of; in                C. from; on                D. of; on
8. —Let’s get the key ______ the question? —OK. Let’s start. 
A. for                    B. with                    C. on                          D. To
9.—Why are you standing there, Maggie?
—I can’t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting           me.
A. behind              B. in front of          C. beside        D. in the front of 
10. Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai ______ 1983.
A. in                      B. at                        C. on                       D. to
Keys1-5 BABBB      6-10 DBDAA    [来源:Z。xx。k.Com]
练习三:同步检测(7A U1
II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)
1Mr. and Mrs. Li are at the travel     office to ask for some information for their trip to Beijing. (agency)
2. If you go to the Palace Museum, you will see many ancient__________ (.build)
3. We are very________ about our trip to Thailand. (excite)
4. The summer holiday is coming. I will_________my cousins to visit Shanghai. (invitation)
5. Look, there’re a lot of ________in the Summer Place. (visit)
6. I __________ what you really wanted to do with the thief. (wonderful)
7As we all know, the Great Wall is one of the __________ in the world. (wonderful)
Keys 1. agent’s 2.ited 4.invite 5.visitors 6. wonder 7. wonders
1.He said that he would meet us ________ the cinema.
  A. in            B. at              C. on            D. for
2. The article about Beijing is _________ page 5.
  A. at            B. in            C. on            D. above
3. Who is standing ____________ the big clock?
  A. in front of      B. in the front of    C. on            D. over
4. Shanghai is __________ the east of China.
  A. at            B. in              C. over          D. on
5. Put this book ________ your bag.
  A. at            B. below          C. in front        D. inside
6.The plane arrived at Sydney airport ___________ Thursday.
  A. on          B. at              C. in            D. for
7. ___________ the past two months, he has been busy with his school work.
  A. For          B. On              C. Since        D. At
8. The party will begin __________ midnight.
  A. on            B. for            C. /          D. at
9.I used to go to school on foot, but now I go to school ________ bus.
  A. with          B. by              C. in          D. on
10. Would you like to go to the amusement park __________ underground?
  A. by the        B. by              C. in the        D. with
11. People’s Square is __________ Shanghai.
  A. in centre of    B. in the centre of    C. centre of    D. in centre
12. The Summer Palace is 12 kilometres ___________ Beijing.
  A. north-east                        B. north-east of         
C. in north-east                      D. in north-east of
Keys1. B  2. C  3. A  4. B  5. D  6. A  7. A  8. D  9. B    10. B  11. B  12. B
I. Choose the best answers:
New Freedom Tower
The twin towers of the World Trade Center were more than just buildings. They were proof of New York's belief in itself. They were built when New York's future seemed uncertain. The towers restored (恢复) New York's confidence.
After they were damaged by terrorists, a new building plan by architect Daniel Libeskind was chosen as the plan for the World Trade Center (世贸中心) site on Wednesday.
The new building is planned to be 1,776 feet high, taller than the former trade center towers, which stood as the world's tallest at 1,350 feet. Libeskind's tower also would be higher than Malaysia's 1, 483-foot Petronas Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world.
Libeskind's design included a hanging garden, a memorial, a cultural center and Freedom Tower. The tower is now planned to cost $2 billion, and be ready for use in 2011. The memorial (纪念碑) plans were redesigned in June, 2006. Its construction began in 2006 and the memorial is scheduled to open on Sept. 11, 2009.[来源:学科网]
1. Twin towers were            to New York.
A. important      B. unimportant        C. a past            D. buildings
2.    The new building            .
A.    would be the tallest in the world
B.    is shorter than Malaysia's Petronas Twin Towers
C.    is 1,350 feet high
D.    is 1,483 feet high
3.    The former twin towers were damaged on            .
A. Sept. 11        B. Nov. 9            C. Sept. 9            D. Sept. 10
4.    The Freedom Tower is planned to cost            .
A.    about $2 billions                B.    about $2 million
C.    about $2 billion                D.    about $2 millions
5.    Which one below is not included in Libeskind's design?   
A. A hanging garden                B. Twin towers
C. A memorial                        D. A cultural center
6. The Freedom Tower will be opened in
A. 2009            B. 2011          C.2008            D. 2010
II. Read the passage and choose the best answers:
Two men were sitting    7    at a bar at the top of the Empire State Building when the first man turned to    8    and said, "You know, last week I discovered that if you jump    9    the top of this building, by the time you fall to the 10th floor, the winds around the building are so intense that they carry you around the building and back into the window. " The second guy said, "There is no way that could happen. " "No, it's true," said the first man, "let me    _____10_____ it to you." He got up from the bar, jumped over the balcony, and dropped to the street below. When he    11    the 10th floor, the high wind moved him around the building and back into the 10th floor window and he took the elevator back up to the bar.
He met the second man, who looked _____12________surprised. “You know, I saw that with my own eyes, but that must have been ______13______fluke(侥幸).”
7.  A. drinking    B. to drink    C. drunk    D.    drank
8.  A. other        B. the other    C. others    D.    the others
9.  A. to            B. in            C. from    D.    at
10. A. prove        B. make        C. show    D.    bring
11. A. passing        B. is passing    C. passes    D.    passed
12. A. quite        B. quiet        C. hardly    D.    quietly
13. A. an            B. a            C. the    D.    /
III. Read the passage and fill in the blanks:
Jin Mao Tower is the fourth h      14    building in the world. Every year, it attracts a lot of t_____15_____ from all over the world. Jin Mao Tower  is  in a  combined style  between  Chinese traditional style and western style. It is the s_____16_____ construction of Shanghai. It is l_____17_____ in the center of Lujiazui Financial Area. Our family visited Jin Mao Tower today.The traffic there is very c____18_______ .You can get thereby subway. And if you live near it, you can w_____19______there just like our family. We went to the eighty-eighth f___20_______ of Jin Mao Tower. We saw the whole view of Shanghai there. Please come to Jin Mao Tower, and you will get some unexpected gains there.
keys: 1-6 AAACB  7-13 ABCADAB  14.hightest  15.tourists  17. symbol  18.crowded  19.walk  20.floor 
. Answer the questions.
During the summer holiday, I went to Qingdao, Weihai, Penglai and Yantai (along the northeastern coast) with my mother and sister. It was a wonderful trip. Let me tell you about it!
On the first day, we arrived in Qingdao. Qingdao is a big city that has many people. Qingdao is also a beautiful city because it is an island. The weather is very mild, so I love it there! But on that day it was rainy, so we didn't go to the seaside.
The following day we went to Weihai. Weihai has many shops, so we went to a shop and bought many things. Weihai's taxis are blue, which I like very much.
The third city was Penglai. Do you know "Baxian"? It is a very famous building in Penglai that has many old things inside. I like history, so I liked the things very much. After we visited the building, we went to the seaside. It was a dream. The sea was blue, the beach was yellow, the air was fresh, and the water was salty. If I could live in Penglai, it would really be very great!
In the afternoon, we went back to Yantai. We bought some souvenirs for our friends. Then we went back to Xi'an by train, ending the trip.
It was a good trip, and I was very happy! I will remember it forever
1.Who went on the trip with the writer?
2.Why didn't the writer go to the seaside on the first day?
3.What colour does the writer like best?
4.What's inside the "Baxian"?
5.How did the writer go back to Xi'an?
Keys 1. His mother and sisiter.
2. Because it was rainy on that day.
3. Blue.
4. Many old things.
5. By train.