  Cell phones and the inter have improved our lives in ___ny ways. However, along with improvement,
  One possible version
  Cell Phone and Inter Dangers
  Cell phones and the inter have improved our lives in ___ny ways. However, along with improvement, they have also brought a number of worrying problems that need to be addressed.
  Many car aidents are caused by ___llphones. A ___llphone brings us much convenien ___, but some drivers get on the inter while driving. These insensitive drivers are a danger to us all.
  Many of the dangers of the inter are well known. Children who visit websites without their parents’ permission sometimes talk to people who they don’t know and put themselves in great danger. People with blogs sometimes post embarrassing photos on their websites without permission. There are also people who use the inter to get personal infor ___tion that we don’t want them to have.
  Dear Wang Qiang,  How are you doing re ___ntly?  I,m writing to give you some suggestions on study and life. For Senior 3 students, time is precious. It is high time we took effective measures to live our life to the fullest.First of all: I highly propose we ___ke the most of the time in class: following our teachers. Besides: we tend to get anxious with time going by. Take it easy. It's OK. More importantly, just as an old saying goes “Health is Wealth”. That's why we have to spend some time
  exercising regularly. Tired as we feel: we are lucky and happy with so ___ny teachers, friends, and our parents standing behind us. We ___y ask them for help whenever we need it.
  Do you like my advi ___? I hope we will graduate from high school without regrets and be admitted to our ideal universities. Wish you suess.
  Dear Tom,
  You’ve mentioned that you want to visit the Forbidden City for its rich history and unique architecture. So I’m writing to share some good news with you!
  Yesterday I happened to read about the free admittan ___ to the Forbidden City. It is open to teachers for free on the first Wednesday of every month. But you have to ___ke an online reservation 10 days in advan ___. On the day of your visit, you will be asked to present your Teacher Identity Card. Wish you a pleasant trip!
  Yours, Jerry