Ⅰ.Multiple Choice Questions
一曲难忘Choose the one that is the most equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expression.
1. Miners opened up the country, **munities, and laid foundations for more permanent settlements.______A.采矿者开发了这个国家,建立了村镇,打下了长期居住的基础。 B.采矿者开发了这个国家,建立了村镇,并为长期居住打下了基础。 C.采矿者开发了这些地区,建立了村镇,打下了长期居住的基础。 D.采矿者开发了这些地区,建立了村镇,并为长期居住打下了基础。
2. Cattle raising, long an important industry in Texas, became even more flourishing after the war, when enterprising men began to drive their Texas longhorns north across the open public domain.______A.养牛,得克萨斯州长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆
的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带, 向北走去。 B.在得克萨斯州,养牛是长期以来的重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,那时大胆的养牛人赶着得州的长角牛, 穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去。 C.在得克萨斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后尤见繁荣,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛, 穿过了开放的公共地带, 向北走去。 D.在得克萨斯州,养牛早就是重要行业,在战后,大胆的赶牛人赶着得州的长角牛穿过了开放的公共地带向北走去, 养牛业更为繁荣。
3. Under the Homestead Act they staked their claims and fenced them with barbed wire.______A.在《定居法案》下,他们为自己的权利圈定了范围,并用铁蒺藜围起来。 B.在《定居法案》下,他们圈定了所得的土地,并用带钩的铁丝保护了起来。 C.根据《定居法案》他们为自己的权利圈定了范围,并用带钩的铁丝保护了起来。 D.根据《定居法案》他们圈定了所得的土地,并用铁蒺藜围了起来。
4. Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation's basic occupation.______A.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业始终是国家的基本行业。 B.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业始终是国家的基本行业。 C.尽管工业方面的巨大进步,农业
仍保持着国家基本行业地位。 D.尽管工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业仍保持着国家基本行业地位。
5. Scarcely less important than machinery in the agricultural revolution was science.______A.在农业革命中,科学没有机械重要。 B.在农业革命中,机械没有科学重要。 C.在农业革命中,科学和机械几乎同等重要。 D.在农业革命中,机械和科学都不怎么重要。
6. Have you fed yet?______A.你喂养过了吗? B.你喂过羊了吗? C.你喂过猪了吗? D.你吃过饭了吗?
7. True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.______A.真正的友谊就像健康一样,它的价值很少有人知道,直到失去以后。 B.真正的友谊就像健康一样,它的价值直到失去后才被少数人知道。 C.真正的友谊就像健康一样,价值要到失去后才能体验到。 D.真正的友谊就像健康一样,失去了才觉得宝贵。
8. 超导的研究是个重大的突破。我们认为,该项研究成果是成功的和令人鼓舞的,日本东京
大学高木俊宜教授认为是成功的和令人鼓舞的;美国普林斯顿大学摩根索教授也认为这项成功的研究是令人鼓舞的。______A. The research on superconductivity is an important breakthrough. We are of the opinion that this research achievement is successful and encourage. Professor Tashinori Takagi from Tokyo University thinks so. And so does Professor Morgenhau of Princeton University. B. The research on superconductivity is an important breakthrough. We hold the opinion that this research achievement is successful and encouraging. Professor Tashinori Takagi from Tokyo University thinks that it is successful and encouraging. And Professor Morgenhau of Princeton University also thinks that it is successful and encourage. C. The research on superconductivity is an important breakthrough and we think this result is successful and encouraging. Our opinion is shared by Professor Tashinori Takagi from Tokyo University and Professor Morgenhau of Princeton University, U.S.A. D. He research on superconductivity is an important breakthrough. We are of the opinion that this research achievement is successful and encouraging. Professor Tashinori Takagi from Tokyo University and Professor Morgenhau of Princeton University, both think it is successful and encouraging.
9. Very few will doubt that it is science which has at once quickened the demand for general education in modern times and the education itself effective.______A.很少有人将怀疑:是科学已经立即加快了对现代普及教育的要求,而且教育本身要有效。 B.现在几乎没人会怀疑:科学不仅要求当今时代的教育普及必须加快步伐,而且要求教育本身也应提高效率。 C.绝大多数人将会意识到:由于科学高速发展,当今时代的教育普及必须加快步伐,而且要求教育本身也提出了增效要求。 D.很少有人会怀疑:科学已经加快了对现代普及教育的要求,而且对教育本身也提出了增效要求。
10. 当时以反对旧道德提倡新道德、反对旧文学提倡新文学为文化革命的两大旗帜,立下了伟大的功劳。______A. Holding high the two big flags at that time, "Down with the old ethics and up with the new!" and "Down with the old literature and up with the new!", and had made a great contribution. B. The two great banners of the cultural revolution, "Down with the old ethics and up with the new!" and "Down with the old literature and up with the new!" are held aloft and great contributions were made. C. Rising aloft the two great banners of the day, "Down with the old ethics and up with the new!" and "Down with the old literature and up with the new!", the cultural revolution had great achievements to its credit.
D. Holding high the two big flags at that time for the cultural revolution, "Against the old ethics and for the new!" and "Against the old literature and for the new!", great achievements were made.
11. 五四运动时期虽然还没有中国共产党,但是已经有了大批的赞成俄国革命的具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子。______A. Although the Communist Party of China had not **e into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the basis of communist ideology. B. Although the Communist Party of China had not **e into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the preliminary knowledge of communist ideology. C. Although the Communist Party of China had not **e into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the rudiments of communist ideology. D. Although the Communist Party of China had not **e into existence, there were already large numbers of intellectuals who approved of the Russian Revolution and had the primary knowledge of communist ideology.