考试科目古代月份的叫法:《大学英语(一)》                (总分100分) 
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一、交际英语 10%)
1- Good morning, John . How are you doing?
猪心怎么洗才干净- ______c___
AI'm pleased.
BGood night.
CNot so bad. And you?
DHow do you do?
2- How do you do? 
- ____b_____
AFine, thank you.
BHow do you do?       
CNot too bad. 
DVery well.
3- Good-bye for now.
- _______c__
AThe same to you.
BThat's OK.
CSee you.
DLong time no see.
4- Hello, how are you?
- ______c___
AHello, how are you?           
BHow do you do?     
CFine, thank you.           
DThat's OK.
5- How much is this necklace?
- _____c____
晚霞余辉AIt's very nice.
BIt's a birthday present from my parents.
CIt costs fifty pounds.
DIt's a bargain.
二、阅读理解 30%)
  1 Mr. White lived in a small village. His parents hadn't enough money to send him to school. He had to help them to do something in the fields. But he didn't like to live in the poor place. When he was sixteen, he got to the town and found work in a factory. Three years later he became tall and strong. So he was sent to Africa as a soldier. He stayed there for five years and got some money. Then he came back to England and bought a shop in a small town. No people in the town went to Africa except him. And he hoped they
thought he was a famous man and that they could respect him. The children often asked him to tell them some stories and his life in Africa.
    One day a few children asked him to tell them something about the animals in Africa. He told them how he fought with the tigers and elephants. His stories surprised them all and some policemen and workers went to listen to him. It made him happier. Just a man who taught geography in a middle school passed there. He stopped to listen to him for a while and then said, "Could you please tell us a rare animal, sir?"
    "Certainly," said Mr. Turner. "One day I met a rhinoceros(犀牛) by a river…"
    "Please wait a minute, sir," said the man. "There aren't any rhinoceros in Africa at all!"
    "It's rare just because there aren't any!"
(1)Mr. White was born in a farmer's family. (A)
(2)Mr. White hoped to be respected because he was the richest man in their town.B
(3)The children often asked him to tell them something interesting because he knew more than any other person in the town.A
(4)All people believed Mr. White except the children.B
(5)Mr. White wouldn't like to admit that he was wrong.A
2 Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
    King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. When he was young, he was strongly influenced by Thoreau and Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi's idea of non-violent resistance. Having received a Ph. D (Doctor of Philosophy) from Boston University, he became a political and religious leader of the non-violent civil relights movement in 1955. On August 28, 1963, he led over 250,000 Americans on a march in Washington D.C. to fight for the Civil Rights Law to guarantee equality for all people, and delivered his best known speech "I Have a Dream" before the Lincoln Memorial. The "dream" is a dream of
brotherly love and equality for the Black and White. Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace in 1964, but he was murdered four years later.
    Though he died, he was greatly respected and loved by the Americans, both the white and the black. By vote of Congress in 1968, the third Monday of every January is now a federal holiday in Luther King's honor. He lives in people's hearts forever.
(1)Martin Luther King was murdered when he was 39 years old.A
(2)Martin Luther King was a black minister only.B
(3)Martin Luther King's Day has been a federal holiday for more than 40 years.A
(4)The underlined word "delivered" in the second paragraph could be replaced by "gave".A
(5)优势The best title for this passage is "Civil Rights Law".B
3    Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born, air is all around on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. We live in air. All li
ving things need air. Living things cannot live without air. We can go without food or water for a few days, but we can not live more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running, we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. 秋之韵We live in air, but we can't see it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can you make it move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in you hands in front of your face. Close it quickly. What you feel is the air.
(1)When we are asleep, we also need ___A___ air.
  Aa little
(2)When we go to bed, air is __C____.
  Aabove us
  Bnear us
  Caround us
  Dunder us
(3)If there is no air, we can only live ___C___.
  Afor ten minutes
  Bfor half an hour
  Cfor a few minutes
  Dfor a day
(4)When air moves, it is called __B____.
(5)We can ___A___ air when it moves.
三、词汇与语法 15%)
1If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ___A__ in her diet.
2The manager will not ______D___ us to use his car.
3It's bad ___A_____ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.