  摘 要












  At present, the employment difficulty problem of the university students hasbecome the hot topic in Confucianism. But among the university students, theemployment problems reflected in the course of employment orientation also havepaid a high attention by academ
ic research. The present study area paid too muchattention to this representation on the employment of college students, and the lack ofdeep analysis and research on the value orientation in the process of College Students


  employment. In addition, since such studies community started late in our AncientChinese Literature Search, it has not yet formed a research system, and the existingresearches often lack theory and operability. Based on the analysis of present collegestudents employment difficult problem and by analyzing the deep reasons behind thephenomenon, this paper tries to seek a breakthrough in the process of the form of theemployment value orientation among the academician group, and reflects thechange of employment system, employment environment change of the collegestudents Systematically and comprehensively in the realization of employment in theprocess of new characteristics, new changes and new trends.


  Starting with the current employment thought of the college students. First, thispaper objectively and comprehensively analyses the college students employmenttendency for direct role in promoting the smooth employment generated andsignificant influence; Secondly, This paper focuses on the analysis of the currentsituation of employment orientation of College students, emphatically points out thepositive aspects and the negative factors existing in the college students employmentorientation, and discusses the function and effect of the positive and negativegenerated for individual college student development Systematically.


  Thirdly, through the individual, family, school and society, this paper discussesthe reasons
of College Students employment orientation evolution, tries to discuss theuniversity students employment orientation deeply and comprehensively, and showsthe optimization method and elevated way. Finally, on the basis of in-depth study, thispaper puts forward a series of value orientation method and way to enhance universitystudents employment.


  Currently, the party and the government has started to continuously strengthenthe guidance of employment for college students, tried their best to help collegestudents to realize the smooth employment. The college also strengthens theeffectiveness and pertinences of university students employment from constantlystrengthen self-construction, policy advocacy, information exchange, psychologicalcounseling and so on. So, the college students group should start from their own,establish a correct concept of employment, career outlook and correct orientation ofCollege Students employment. College students should always keep up with the trendof the times in the process of employment, combine th
eir own employmentrequirements and national, social development, and promote their employment rightwith the correct employment orientation. At the same time, we should realize that theuniversity students employment promotion is a long-term and complex system at thisstage. Though the current employment situation of university students is still verygrim on the whole, the employment problem of college students will be continuallyimproved, as long as we always adhere to the leadership of the party and government,adhere to market-oriented, and adhere to the correct orientation of establishingemployment oriented.


  Keywords:University students, employment orientation, research



  摘 要




  1 引言


大学生就业论文  1.1 研究背景、目的及意义


  1.1.1 研究背景


  1.1.2 研究的目的及意义


  1.2 国内外研究现状


  1.2.1 国外研究现状


  1.2.2 国内研究现状


  1.2.3 国内外研究现状的综合评价


  1.3 研究的目标、内容及方法


  1.3.1 研究的目标和内容


  1.3.2 研究的方法


  2 大学生就业取向概述


  2.1 相关概念的界定


  2.1.1 就业


  2.1.2 就业取向及构成


  2.2 大学生就业取向的形成


  2.2.1 计划经济时代大学生就业取向


  2.2.2 过渡时期大学生就业取向


  2.2.3 双向与自主选择阶段大学生就业取向


  3 大学生就业取向的现状


  3.1 大学生就业取向的积极面


  3.1.1  意识不断增强


  3.1.2 自主创业意识不断增强


  3.1.3 择业行为趋于理性客观


  3.1.4 注重实现个人全面发展


  3.2 大学生就业取向的消极面


  3.2.1 不愿从事基层工作


  3.2.2 对于职业规划不足


  3.2.3 存在功利主义思想


  3.2.4 就业行为过于随意


  3.3 就业取向对大学生的影响


  3.3.1 影响大学生就业结构


  3.3.2 影响大学生心理健康


  3.3.3 影响大学生社会认识能力


  4 大学生就业取向问题的原因分析


  4.1 家庭因素的影响


  4.1.1 家庭教育环境的影响


  4.1.2 父母从业的影响


  4.1.3 家庭经济情况的影响


  4.2 学校因素的影响


  4.2.1 人才培养体制陈旧


  4.2.2 就业指导模式单一


  4.3 社会因素的影响


  4.3.1 社会负面价值取向的影响


  4.3.2 当前就业形势的不利影响


  4.4 大学生自身因素的影响


  4.4.1 个体认识能力的影响


  4.4.2 个体实践能力的影响


  4.4.3 地区环境对个体的影响


  5 优化大学生就业取向的措施


  5.1 家庭方面


  5.1.1 重视家庭教育作用


  5.1.2 改进家庭教育理念


  5.2 学校方面


  5.2.1 提升水平加快素质教育


  5.2.2 提升就业指导工作能力


  5.2.3 完善高校就业服务体系


  5.3 社会方面


  5.3.1 强化政策支持扶持


  5.3.2 发挥舆论正面引导


  5.4 学生方面


  5.4.1 培养树立正确的就业观


  5.4.2 制定科学就业发展规划


  5.4.3 扎实学习夯实就业基础



