询价 Inquiry 
I am writing to request information about…我致此函旨在咨询有关……的信息。 
Specifically, I am interested in…我对·一特别感兴趣。 
Could you please give me a quotation for these products?您能否就这些产品给我一个报价? 
I would like a quotation based on an order of 500 units.我想订500件,请给我一个报价。 
一would like to request a quotation for…我想知道……的报价。 
What does your company ?贵公司就……如何收费? 
Could you email me a quotation?您能发给我一份报价吗? 
I am interested in the following services…我对如下服务有兴趣…… 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
I am writing to request more information about your line of earthenware products. Specifical,I am interested in your flatware and dining sets. Would it be possible to get a quotation for these products based on an order of 500 units? 
Thank you very much, 
Jason Cole 
Dear Sir or Madam, 
Iwould like to request a quotation for your cleaning services. We are looking at contracting a service to clean our office buildings once a week. What does your company charge for such services? If you could email me back a price,I would greatly appreciate it. 
Best regards, 
Minnie Seaver 