BEC商务英语(初级)写作模拟试卷17 (题后含答案解析)
1. You have to cancel a meeting with James Lewis, a senior manager in your company, at very short notice.? Write an email to Mr Lewis: ? apologising for the cancellation ? explaining why this was necessary ? suggesting a date when you are free.? Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
正确答案:Hello James    I must cancle our meeting on 25 November. The reason for the cancellation is, I will attend the meeting with John Brown, the Sales Manager.He can meet us on 28 November, is it ok for you?Joana 
2. ?Read this part of a fax from Sally Saunders, a hotel conference manager.To: ______Fa
x No: ______From:  Sally SaundersDate:  1 March 2002Pages (incl cover):  3    Thank you very much for your letter, enquiring about availability of conference facilities at this hotel for 1-4 September. I note your request for a special menu for the conference dinner on your final evening. You will find suggestions enclosed.      Unfortunately, during the week you have chosen for your conference, there is a trade fair. Therefore, we have very few single rooms available. I could offer you twin-bedded rooms, or perhaps you would consider moving your conference to the following week? I look forward to receiving your booking and choice of dishes for the conference dinner.?Write a fax to Mrs Saunders: ?thanking her for her fax ?confirming your original dates for the conference ?booking 20 twin-bedded rooms ?telling her which dishes from the menu you require for the conference dinner,?Write 60-60 words on your Answer Sheet.?Do not include postal addresses.
正确答案:Fax to Sally SaundersDear Mrs Saunders    Thank you for your fax. I am afraid I confirm my original dates for the conference because we cannot move it to the following week.    I am going to book 20 twin-bedded rooms. About the special menu - I would like some typical dishes because most of the participants come from other countries.      I look f
orward to hearing from you.          Your sincerely