商务英语写作BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷74 (题后含答案及解析)
1. Senor Viladomat, an important Spanish client, is coming to your company for a meeting about a new product. You are responsible for making arrangements for his trip.Write a e-mail to Senor Viladomats secretary, saying what arrangements you have made, including: travel (e. g. arrival details, meeting and transfer)accommodationdetails of the product meeting (e. g. time, venue)Write 40 — 50 words on a separate sheet.
正确答案:Date: 9 May 2005To: Secretary to Senor ViladomatFrom: [your company]Subject You visit to[name of company]TravelOur driver will meet him at the airport two o clock and take him to the Friendship Hotel.Accommodationwhere we have booked a single room for him.MeetingThe meeting is at our head office on Monday starting at 9: 00 a. m.. If he has any inquiries, please do not hesitate to raise them. 
2. The firm you work for is developing fast and is looking for new places. Your Managing Director is interested in Rose Development center, and has asked you to write a letter to find out more information.Read Waterside Industrial Parks advertisement below, on which your Managing Director has already made some notes.Then, using all your Managing Directors handwritten notes, write your letter to Nick Jordan at Rose DevelopmentDo not include postal addresses.Write 120—140 words on a separate sheet.
正确答案:1 June: Dear Nick sandan subject: New placesWith reference to your advertisement in the Local newspaper, we would like to have more information a-bout the above.Could you tell us which other firms are in the area, and what are the sizes of the units available for rental.Regarding the financial help mentioned, could you inform us who would qualify for it and how to apply. Another point to clarify is the skilled labour costs compared with other areas.Finally, we would be grateful if you could send us the information pack to our address. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Linda Carpenter