BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷164 (题后含答案解析)
1. ? You have been informed that next Wednesday your companys computer system will be closed down so that improvements can be made.? Write an email to all staff in your department: ? saying what time on Wednesday the system will be closed down ? suggesting how staff should prepare for this ? saying how the system will be better after the improvements.? Write 40-50 words.
正确答案:Sample ATo:    all staffFrom:  Manager DirectorDate:  27th MarchSubject: Companys computer system.Id like to inform you that the companys computer system will be closed down on Wednesday. Please every employee has any work in his computer or important documents has to print it out before this day to work Manual on Wednesday if it is Possible? I hope the computer system will be better after the improvement as you all know h
ow the computers was?Thanks.Band 2Due to omission of a content point and poor language control, the target reader would not be clearly informed. Otherwise, the format and register of the email is appropriate.Sample BFrom:    Petar KoevTo:      All StaffDate:    27 March 2004Subject: Computer SystemI want to inform you that the computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 oclock. The system will be down for at least two hours, please make sure that you have saved all your work. The whole system will ran on a new server which is faster.Thank you.Band 5All the content points are clearly addressed, and the language is well controlled and concise, making use of a range of suitable expressions. 
2. The company you work for is having problems with Sorenson, one of its suppliers. Your line manager has asked you to write a report giving details and recommending a solution.Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.Write 120-140 words.
正确答案:Sample CReportOur company is having problems with Sorenson, one of our main suppliers. The details of the problems are list below.Mainly there are 3 types of problem, late deliveries, unsatisfactory quality are errors with invoices. For the first one, late deliveries, the number of problems is 24. This figure is more than last year. For unsatisfactory quality, it is 17. Low quality products are more than before recently. The main factor is due the suppliers unsatisfactory quality. The third one, errors with invoices, there are 7 problems. Therefore, in the future we must check all invoices from suppliers.I recommend that we should send a problem list to Sorenson and ask them to reduce the problems at the lowest level. If the similar problems happen in the future, we have to cancel the contract with Sorenson.Band 2The point concerning relative costs has not been covered, and therefore the target reader would not be fully informed. Otherwise, the language range and cohesion are satisfactory, as are the format and register. Although errors do occur, these do not prevent the message being conveyed.Sample DThis report aims to recommend a solution to the problems with Sorenson, one of our suppliers.We find that three essential problems should be paid attention to: Firstly, twenty-four times of late d
eliveries, much more than last year, has caused a lot of inconvenience. Secondly, we are dissappointed about their unsatisfactory quality of goods which almost made us lose our customers. Thirdly errors with invoices brought us a lot of trouble.It is concluded that Sorenson商务英语写作’s costs are nearly 30 per cent higher than those of our other suppliers.We recommend that we turn to other suppliers and make it a rule to check all invoices from suppliers in future. On the whole, we suggest a appropriate way to discuss it with Sorenson.Band 4All content points are covered, and the report is well within the recommended word limit. Language is generally accurate, and good range is demonstrated. Both register and format are appropriate and the report is well organised.