BEC商务英语(中级)写作模拟试卷114 (题后含答案解析)
1. You are organising a meeting to discuss possible cuts to your departments budget.Write an email to all staff in your department:    giving them the date of the meeting    explaining why some cuts have to be made    saying why it is important for all staff to attend. Write 40-50 words.
正确答案:Sample AAll staffBudget cuts - meetingI notice that we are having the meeting next Tuesday. Unfortunatly, our buiness has been slow so that why we have made it.However, please attend all staff, I would like to discuss all staff and tell you about important things.managerBand 2Apart from the fact that one of the content points has not been addressed, the answer contains frequent errors which are distracting, and which have a negative impact on the reader.Sample BDear colleaguesWe are going to have a meeting abo
ut the possible cuts in our departments budget on 20th December. This cut is needed because of the loss we made in 2006.Please attend the meeting because we decide who can take external courses.Kind regardsBand 4The answer contains all the necessary information, yet is concise, and the language used is generally accurate. Overall, the impression on the reader is positive. 
2. You are a regional manager for a retail company. Your line manager at head office would like a report about three of the stores in your region, including a recommendation to close one of them.Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.Write 120-140 words.
正确答案:Sample CI considered all the effects in our Company, and found not closing village store is a well choice at this moment. Since it is far from the city, the people in the village have poor ability to buy our product, and customers become more and more less. If
we could reduce the price, we may get a good benefit and for a another important reason, village store have not reached a high level and full equipment.Due to the town have developed for the nearest four years, more and more people wanted to try enjoy our service, and the profits are better than before. I think we could spend more time and money to expend it to get more profits.Ou-of-town market have a great changes during these years. Many people like to visit these place when the free time, meantime, nesseary equipment is important to them, people like our service and want more.Regarding the three kinds of store, we should closed the village store, and develop the other two stores. We could open more markting on these 2 kinds of store to get more profit.Hope this is clear and thank you very much.B rgds Kim JungBand 2The candidate has attempted to address all the content points using an appropriate register and format. However, due to poor language control and numerous errors, the message is not clearly conveyed. The overall effect on the reader is negative.Sample DWe have the following facts to consider:- village storewith £20,000 very low profitDecision: there are to many shops within thisarea, which provide the same choice ofproducts.- town-centre storequite profitable with £130,000, we
didnt expect such good figures. This shop is well placed in a busy shopping zone with also a lot of tourists.- out-of-town superstorevery successful with an excellent profit of £250,000. This shop profits from enough parking places in front of the store and different shops and outlets arround.If we have to close a store in our region, I would propose to give up the village store. Regarding new service in the other shops I would imagine that an internet access would be interesting for our customers. This service doesnt exist around and could shorten waiting times for escating people.Band 4The candidate has addressed all the content points, using a good range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. The report is well organised and generally accurate. The overall effect on the reader is positive.  商务英语写作