Ch4 Business Letter Writing Ⅳ- Order & Acknowledgement
Order 订单
An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of product. it should be clearly and accurately written out and state all the terms of transaction. An order form filled out is not enough, and a confirming letter usually goes with the order from the purchasing side.
⏹The General Layout of An Order
We are pleased to give you the following order based on the catalog and price list you sent us on August 1: ( Pleas e forward/send the following merchandise to us: )
Quantity Pattern Catalogue Price per unit
No. No. (CIF Hongkong)
600 pillowcase 18 45 US$1.6
500 pillowcase 21 65 US$1.7
Delivery: During September
Payment: By L/C to be opened in accordance with our agreement
Packing: Usually packing in strong bales, with gunny bag cover and waterproof material.
Please acknowledge this order and inform definite delivery date. Upon receipt of your confirmation we will open a letter of credit in your favor.
As the goods are urgently needed, we hope you will try to send them by the first available vessel.
Y ours truly,
Acknowledgement 认收
The order is considered accepted only when the seller accepts or confirms the order. The acknowledgement usually covers the order number, the ordered items, the price and discount (if there is one), the payment settled and the terms of delivery.
General Layout
Thank you for your Order No.1 for pillowcases and assure you that all the items you required are in stock. We are happy that you are one of our customers.
We confirm with you the following order for the pillowcases at the prices stated in your letter of August 3rd: Quantity Pattern Catalogue Price per unit
No. No. (CIF Hongkong)
600 pillowcase 18 45 US$1.6
500 pillowcase 21 65 US$1.7
Delivery: During September
Payment: By L/C to be opened in accordance with our agreement
Packing: Usually packing in strong bales, with gunny bag cover and waterproof material.
For the above order, we enclose our Sales Confirmation No.216 in duplicate. Please sign and return o
ne copy for our file at your earliest convenience.
Y ou are expected to arrange the establishment of the relative Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit through the bankers and shall inform us by fax as soon as it is opened.
We thank you again for the above order and hope that this will lead to an enduring cooperation between us.
Y ours truly,
Thank you for your order of September 1 for 20 units of Portable Radio Set A102, 10 units of Cassette Tape
Recorder B84 and 10 units of Microphone C59.
We have in stock Portable Radio Set A102 and Cassette Tape Recorder B84, but regret to say Microphone C59 is out of stock. This article is no longer manufactured because it is rather outdated.
A new Model C60 is recently developed and enjoys wide popularity. We would like to ask you if you would buy this model instead of C59.
The other two items will be shipped to you as soon as possible.
Y our prompt reply by fax concerning C60 would be appreciated.
Y ours truly,
⏹Key points:
The number of the order
The items ordered
Unit price of each
Payment and delivery
Discount (if there is one)
Some Useful Sentences
⏹We thank you for your quotation of February 20 and enclose our Order No.456 for the captioned goods. As the goods are urgently required by our customers, we hope you will deliver them promptly.
⏹We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory and are pleased to place you an order for the following items on the understanding that they will be supplied from current stock at the prices named .
⏹Y our samples of … received favorable reaction from our customer, and we are pleased to enclose our order for ….
⏹Please supply in assorted colors: preferably 6 dozen each of red, yellow, green, blue and brown.
⏹It is appreciated that you handed us your order No. 123 for 2500 women’s shirts. Enclosed is a copy of our Sales Note No. 45.
⏹We are glad to confirm your order which we have accepted on the terms.
⏹We are glad to receive your order and confirm that all the items required are in stock.
⏹We assure you that this order and future orders shall have our immediate attention.
⏹We are always at your service.
⏹Since your order covers so big a quantity, we are unable to meet your requirements for the moment, but we will do our utmost to secure supply for you, and whenever the position improves we will not fail to let you know.
⏹Thank you very much for your order, but we are sorry that we are fully occupied with contract orders. As it is
the case, we have no other alternative but to decline your order of this time. But we look forward to your future favors and attention.
⏹Because we are already heavily burdened with outstanding orders, it is impossible for us to accept new orders for delivery within this year.
⏹Unfortunately, the recent rush of orders for our goods has made it impossible to promise shipment earlier than May 15.
We are pleased to give you the following order based on the catalog and price list you sent us on August 1:
Price per unit
Quantity Description (CIF Hongkong)
20 Portable Radio Set A102 US$50.00
10 Cassette Tape Recorder B84 US$150.00
10 Microphone C59 US$100.00
Please acknowledge this order and let us know the earliest possible time of shipment. Upon receipt of your confirmation we will open a letter of credit in your favor.
As the goods are urgently needed, we hope you will try to send them by the first available vessel.
As for the payment, you may draw a draft at sight when you have effected shipment.
Y our prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.
Y ours truly,