1. Lexicography
1)Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language
词典编纂的绝妙之处是给人一种与语言打交道的快乐感。 2) One is immersed in the details of language as in no other field. 不像其他领域,编词典的人整天都钻在语言材料中。
3) Sometimes the details are so overwhelming and endless they sap the
spirit and depress the mind有时碰到的语言材料浩如烟海,令人耗神。
4) Often at the end of a hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole往往一天辛苦工作下来,发觉所完成的薄薄几页草稿只是全部工作的九牛一毛,好不沮丧。5) As I hope the readers of this work will come to understand dictionaries do not sprint into being正如我希望这部著作的读者会逐渐明白的那样,词典并非是一蹴而就的。 6)People must plan them collect information and write them. 必须先制定计划,收集材料,然后方能编写。
7 )Writing takes time and it is often frustrating and even infuriating.编写词典不仅耗费时间,而且常让人受挫,甚至恼怒。8 )No other form of writing is at once so quixotic and so intensely practical. 没有其他的写作像编纂词典那样,既要有空想又要脚踏实地9) Dictionary making does not require brilliance or originality of mind. 词典编纂并不需要很多的才华或独创的思维。10) It does require high intelligence mastery of the craft and dedication to hard work.但却要求很高的智力,对词典编纂的精通,和甘于吃苦的精神。11) If one has produced a dictionary one has the satisfaction of having produced a work of enduring value. 一个人编写出一部词典,就会因它的长久价值而得到一份快慰。 2.Pollution
1) Pollution is a problem because man in an increasingly populated and industrialized world is upsetting the environment in which he lives. 污染已成为问题,因为在当今人口越来越多,社会越来越工业化的世界上,人类正在污染他们居住的环境。2) Many scientists maintain that one of man’s greatest errors has been to equate growth with advancement. 许多科学家认为人类最大的错误是把发展和进步等同起来。3) Now �Dgrowth‖ industries are being looked on with suspicion in case their side effects damage the environment and disrupt the relationship of different forms of life. 现在人们以怀疑的态度看待“发展性”的产业,因为它们的副作用会破坏环境,破坏各种生命之间的关系。4) The growing population makes
increasing demands on the world’s fixed supply of air water and land.
人口的增长导致对世界上有限的空气、水和土地的需求不断增长。5) This rise in population is accompanied by the desire of more and more people for a better standard of living, 伴随着人口增长的是越来越多的人渴望更高的生活水平。 in an ever increasing amount of waste material to be disposed of. 于是对电、水和商品
的更大需求必然造成有更多的废物要处理。6) The problem has been causing
increasing concern to living things and their environment. 这个问题已经引起人
appreciates们对生物及其环境的日益关注。7) Many believe that man is not solving these problems quickly enough and that his selfish pursuit of possessions takes him past the point of no return before he fully appreciates the damage.许多人认为,人类没有尽快地解决这一问题,却只顾谋求私利,以致于到了无可挽救的地步以后才充分
3.Intelligent Test
1) There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the
term �Dintelligence‖ than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 2) But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily make distinctions reason logically and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems. 3) An intelligence test is a rough measure of a chi ld’s capacity for learning particularly for learning
the kinds of things required in school. 4) It does not measure character
social adjustment physical endurance manual skills or artistic abilities. 5)
It is not supposed to-- it was not designed for such purposes. 6) To criticize it for such failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity. 7) Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a �Dvalid‖ or �Dfair‖ comparison.
4. Bureaucracy
1) Most ironic was the image of government that was born of these experiences. 这些经历给人们的政府形象是最有讽刺意味的。 2) As any scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer a complex modern society like ours is efficient rational uniform and courteous treatment for the citizens it deals with. 任何一篇论述这
3) Yet not only did these
qualities not come through to the people I talked with it was their very opposites that seemed more characteristic.
但是,和我谈过话的人并没有感觉到这些品质,倒是恰恰相反的情况似乎更具有代表性。4) People of all classes―the rich man dealing with the Internal Revenue Service as will as the poor woman struggling with the welfare department―felt the treatment they had received had been bungled not efficient; unpredictable not rational; discriminatory not uniform; and all too often insensitive rather than courteous. 各阶层的人,从与税收部门打交道的富人到与福利部门交涉的可怜的妇人,都觉得他们受到的对待是糟糕的,而不是有效的,是捉摸不定的,而不是合情合理的
是带有歧视的,而不是公平的,而且经常是冷漠的,而不是礼貌的。 5) It was as if they had bought a big new car that not only did not run when they wanted it to but periodically revved itself up and drove all around their yards. 就像是买了
5. Problem with Educational System
1)There are 39 universities and colleges offering degree courses in Geography but I have never seen any good jobs for Geography graduates advertised. 2)Or am I alone in suspecting that they will return t
o teach Geography to another set of students who in turn will teach more Geography undergraduates?3) Only ten universities currently offer degree courses in Aeronautical Engineering which perhaps is just as well in view of the speed
with which the aircraft industry has been dispensing with excess personnel. 4) On the other hand hospital casualty departments throughout the country
are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. 5) The reason? University medical schools can only find places for half of those who apply. 6) It seems to me that time is ripe for the Department of Employment and the Department of Education to get together with the universities and produce a revised educational system that will make a more economic use of the wealth of
talent application and industry currently being wasted on diplomas and degrees that no one wants to know about.
6. Novelists
1) But if the open air and adventure mean everything to De foe they mean nothing to Jane Austen. 如果说旷野和历险对笛福的小说是主题,那么对奥斯丁小说就毫无意义2) Hers is the drawing room and p
eople talking and by the many mirrors of their talk revealing their characters. 她的小说是客厅和客厅中闲聊的人们。他们的谈话像一面面镜子,反映出他们的性格。3) And if when we have accustomed ourselves to the drawing room and its reflections we turn to Hardy we are once more spun around. 当我们熟悉了奥斯丁的客厅和反映出来的事物后再去读哈代的小说,又得转向另一个世界。4) The moors are round us and the stars are above our heads. 周围茫茫荒野,头顶一片星空。5) The other side of the mind is now exposed―the dark side that comes uppermost in solitude not the light side
that shows in company. 此时心态的另一面被揭示出来:不是聚会结伴时显示出来的轻
松一面, 6) Our relations are not towards Nature and destiny. 而是自然和命运。
7) Yet different as these worlds are each is consistent with itself. 这些作家
描写的世界是完全不同的,但它们都自成一体。8) The maker of each is careful to observe the laws of his own perspective and however great a strain they may
put upon us they will never confuse us ad lesser writers so frequently do by introducing two different kinds of reality into the same book. 每个世界的创造
7.The Law of Competition
1) Under the law of competition the employer of thousands is forced into the strictest economies among which the rates paid to labor figure prominently.2) The price which society pays for the law like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries is great but the advantages of this law are
also greater than its cost―for it is to this l aw that we owe our wonderful material development which brings improved conditions in its train.3) But whether the law be benign or not we cannot evade it; of the effect of any new substitutes for it proposed we can not be sure; and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual it is best for the race because it insures the survival of the fittest in every department.4) We accept and welcome therefore as conditions to which we must accommodate ourselves great
inequality of environment; the concentration of business industrial and commercial in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between these ,as being not only beneficial but essential to the future progress of the race.
8. Key to Success in Business
1) Every successful business i s built on superior senses―of timing opportunity responsibility and not infrequently humor.2) None however is more critical than the ability to sense the market.3) A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies product and service offerings indeed all elements of a company’s strategic posture.4) People like Bill Gates brought this ability to the enterprise
s they founded.5) Without it their ventures might have been short-lived or at least far less successful.6) But many top-level managers particularly those at industrial companies consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff.7) And even if they do believe that market focus is a priority most retain only limited contact with consumers as their organizations grow relying instead on