熟能生巧造句remember that造句
1. Remember that practice makes perfect. 不断练习才能熟能生巧。
2. Remember that you are responsible for your own happiness. 记住你的幸福由自己掌控。
3. Remember that time is precious, don't waste it. 记住时间宝贵,不要浪费。
4. Remember that failure is not the end, it's an opportunity to learn and grow. 记住失败不是终点,而是学习和成长的机会。
5. Remember that kindness goes a long way. 记住善良能走得更远。
6. Remember that honesty is the best policy. 记住诚实是最好的策略。
7. Remember that success is a journey, not a destination. 记住成功是一段旅程,而不是一个目的地。
8. Remember that your attitude determines your altitude. 记住你的态度决定你的高度。
9. Remember that small steps can lead to big changes. 记住小步可以引领大改变。
10. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. 记住每一个挑战都是一个学习和成长的机会。