来源:中国译协网 作者:李长栓 北京外国语大学高级翻译
          理想的翻译模式是把外语翻译为母语,这是因为, even years of study and experience do not necessarily enable one to be completely at home with an acquired language,  (Sofer 1998)(一个人即使学习和使用外语多年,也不一定能够完全达到自如的程度)。但实际情况是,如果一个国家的政治、经济、文化等处于劣势,学习该国语言的外国人就会很少,其中愿意从事该语言翻译的人更少。而这些弱势国家出于政治、经贸和文化交流的需要,往往要把大量的文献译为外语,依赖外国人翻译是不现实的,所以,大多数情况下需要由本国人把文献资料从母语翻译为外语。正如Campbell1998)所说的,for many parts of the world, translation into the second language is a regular and accepted practice”(在世界很多地方,译为第二语言是一项常规和人们所接受的做法)。
    许多人的研究表明,外语水平难以达到自如,除其他原因外,主要是没有掌握足够的英语成语、搭配和句套子(idioms, collocations and sentence stems)。
    英语成语经常是比喻性质的,其组成部分不能随意替换,如bark up the wrong tree, have sticky fingers等。
    搭配分为两类,一是语法搭配(grammatical collocations),二是词汇搭配(lexical collocations)(Benson1997)。语法搭配是一个短语,由一个主导词(dominant word),即名词、形容词和动词,加一个介词或不定式、从句等语法结构组成,如account for, apathy towards, offer to help, a pleasure to do something, and afraid that it would rain.
词汇搭配不包括介词、不定式或从句等,而是由名词、形容词、动词和副词构成,如strong tea, rough estimates, readily available, sorely needed, deeply absorbed. 词汇搭配比成语更为灵活(如sorely needed 也可以说badly needed),但比单词的自由组合更为固定。所谓自由组合,是指只要符合语法规则,就可以几乎不受限制地进行组合。如,与put搭配的宾语可以是任何物体;run表示管理的意思时,其宾语的选择范围虽受到一定限制,但仍可以在意思上归纳为任何可以管理的机构,如business, institution等。
    句套子是指一个句子的骨架(也叫sentence builders, lexicalized sentence stems),如 at the heart of is , demand for is high, with all the, it should be no surprise that , to be sorry to have kept you waiting, there’s no doubt that X or my point here is X.
    另外,还有一些固定的短语和句子,似乎无法归入以上各类,如by the way, Can I help you?等。
    研究认为,人们在表达思想时, 遵守成语优先原则idiom principle),即首先选用语言中业已存在的表达方式,当不到现有的表达方式时,再使用自由选择原则(open-choice principle),即根据语法规则创造新的表达方式。业已存在的表达方式就是指成语、搭配、句套子等。我们在学习外语时,传统上强调语法规则,按照语法规则造句,没有遵循成语优先的原则,导致语言不符合习惯。
    纽马克的结论是:所以,如果目的语不是译者惯用的语言,就没有办法翻译好。That is why you cannot translate properly if the TL is not your language of habitual usage.”)然而,我们面临的工作恰恰是无法做好的工作。
1 确定句子的关键词
2 根据汉英词典查关键词的英语译法
3 根据英英词典检验关键词的英语译法是否符合特定上下文的意思;如果不符合……
4 根据英语同义词词典寻更为贴切的译法
5 根据英语搭配(用法)词典、语料库等电子手段等确定该关键词的语法搭配(句型)、词汇搭配,从而确定译入语句子框架
6 把原文各个组成部分按照语法要求逐项纳入该句子框架,注意各成分内部的搭配
原译:The Chinese government welcomes private foreign capital to invest in China’s infrastructure development and basic industries.
    本句话中关键的动词是欢迎,根据我们已有的英语知识,翻译为welcome应该不会有问题,所以,我们可以直接用搭配(用法)词典查welcome的用法。下面是The Collins Cobuild Student’s Dictionary Online welcome一词用法的解释:
1. If you welcome someone, you greet them in a friendly way when they arrive.
He moved eagerly towards the door to welcome his visitor.
Welcome n.
I was given a warm welcome by the President.
2. You can say `Welcome' to someone who has just arrived.
Welcome to Peking.
Welcome back.
3. If someone is welcome in a place, people are pleased when they come there.
All members of the public are welcome.
4. If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it.
You will always be welcome to come back.
5. If you welcome something new, you approve of it and support it.
I warmly welcomed his proposal.
6. If something that happens or occurs is welcome, you are pleased about it or approve of it.
This is a welcome development.
    4项用法:Someone is welcome to do something.
改译1. Private foreign investors are welcome to invest in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
    为符合该句型的要求,我们把(资本)改为(投资者)。原文的主语中国政府没地方加入,但这可以从上下文推断出来,所以,不译也可以。如果你不知道基础设施的英语是infrastructure,而是直接译为basic facilities,需要上网查一查有没有这个搭配。结果发现有这一说法,意思与该句相符,理应不算错。基础产业是否basic industries?上网查一查也发现有这一搭配。
    5项用法:Someone welcomes something.
改译2. The Chinese government welcomes private foreign investments in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
    6项用法:Something is welcome.
改译3. Private foreign investments are welcome in the development of China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
    是否可以用A welcomes B to do something?这似乎是我们期待的句型,但字典中却没有说明。如果存在这一句型,则本句也可以翻译为:
    改译4. The Chinese government welcomes private foreign investors to invest in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
    我们可以用Google搜索welcomes *** to”(一个*号代表任意一个单词,以此控制welcometo之间的单词数目),发现大多数场合是to welcome someone to some place,以及to welcome something,如:
1. President Bush Welcomes Prime Minister Sharon to White House
2. Dr Dreary welcomes you to Creep Street!
3. UNFPA Welcomes Anglo-Dutch Action to Avert Condom Crisis
    也有个别例子用句型to welcome someone to do something:
1. The Chinese government welcomes students studying abroad to return and develop their careers at home, Vice Minister of Personnel Shu Huiguo said Sunday.
2. Sidhu welcomes visitors who are interested to come and watch the performance of this talented martial artist.
    鉴于我们无法断定这样的用法是否来自英语国家的媒体,我们可以用英语国家的语料库,如Collins Cobuild Concordance Sampler 进一步搜索welcome的用法。检索结果与Google搜索结果类似。我做了这样的检索:
输入welcome@/VERB检索welcome作为动词的例句,在所显示的40个索引行中发现只有一句可以归入to welcome someone to do something的句型:Judge Sporkin today said, I welcome you back to sue Exxon. For…”
1. s Eve. She knows that no one will welcome her to share the festivities and 
2. aloof. Here, everybody else had welcomed me to take photographs of their   
3. Act as an historic village and we welcome you to join us on a special tour
    welcome@/VERB+NOUN+to+VERB检索动词welcome+一个名词+不定式的用法,其中符合welcome someone to do something的例句有:
1. policy. We are an open society. We welcome people to come and work with us. 
2. the Conservation Tent but they would welcome volunteers to help design the     
3. Christmas Fair. The Committee will welcome volunteers to help before, during 
    输入welcome@/VERB+NOUN+NOUN+to+VERB查动词welcome+两个名词+不定式的用法,其中符合welcome someone to do something的例句有:
1.  and Governor Clinton have said they welcome Mr. Perot to join their debates, 
2.  David O'Brien.29 [p] The priest welcomed wage earners to join a larger mass
    从以上调查可以发现,welcome someone to do something的用法是存在的,尽管不常用。所以,该句翻译为The Chinese government welcomes private foreign investors to invest in China’s infrastructure and basic industries.是没有问题的。
    The Collins Cobuild Student’s Dictionary Onlinewelcome用法的解释中,我们看到If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it.”,所以,我们还可以用encourage做本句的动词来翻译,这时,就要使用encourage的所要求的句子框架:
1. If you encourage someone to do something, you tell them that you think that they should do it, or that they should continue doing it.
Her husband encouraged her to get a car.
Encouragement n. Many people sent messages of encouragement.
2. If you encourage a particular activity, you support it actively.
Group meetings in the factory were always encouraged.
3. If something encourages an attitude or a kind of behaviour, it makes it more likely to happen.
This encouraged the growth of Marxism.
(The Collins Cobuild Student’s Dictionary)
    改译5. The Chinese government encourages private foreign investors to invest in the development of China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
    改译6. The Chinese government encourages private foreign investment in the development of China’s infrastructure and basic industries.
原译:First opinion, now that Criminal Law in China does not exclude husband and wife, if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, he has committed rape.
    查汉英词典和同义词词典 观点可能译为:view, viewpointpoint of view, opinion
    “一种观点可能翻译为:one view, one opinion, one point of view
    Simple Search of BNC-World上搜索one view,共搜索到76个包含one view的例句,显示了其中的50个(免费用户最多可以看到50个),比如:
1. One view of the art market is that it is like a staircase with several landings.
2. One view is that the Corporation can now afford to do this.
3. One view has it that they are the trusted preservers of law and order
4. One view sees the development of fairness as a correlative of the expansion of procedural rights post Ridge v. Baldwin.
5. One view saw Suharto's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election.
6. On one view, this was a bilateral dispute between Israel and Egypt regarding the right of transit for Israeli shipping through the Canal.
7. On one view, expert determination is not a form of dispute resolution at all.
    据此,我们可以总结出one view所使用的句套子:One view is that, one view has it that, one view sees something as something else, on one view+句子。根据本句的特点,我们可以选用简单的one view is that
    我们可以再搜索一下one opinion的用法。同一语料库,one opinion仅有6个例句,可以用作本句翻译模板的只有一个:
Taking a more global view, one opinion is that the manufacturing industries should indeed move to developing countries whilst the advanced industries orientate their labour forces toward information and other service industries.
    可以看出,虽然one view is that…与one opinion is that…都可以使用,但前者更为常用。
    从另一个角度看,也可以从认为入手进行翻译。认为的英语可以是think, believe, consider. WordNet上查think,不仅得到think的同义词,还可以得到各词的例句,可以据此决定各词在句子中的用法,比如,think的第1义项是:
Sense 1
think, believe, consider, conceive -- (judge or regard; look upon; judge; "I think he is very smart"; "I believe her to be very smart"; "I think that he is her boyfriend"; "The racist conceives such people to be inferior")
EX:  They think that there was a traffic accident
    因为thinkbelieve的主语必须是人(从例句可以看到),所以,一种观点认为,就应变为有人认为some believe, some think
    下面看既然一词的意义和用法。既然在字典上有两个译法,一是now that,二是since。学生选择了now that.
    Cobuild now that的解释是:
2. You also use now or now that when you are talking about the effect of an event or change.
I like him a lot now he's older.
Now that she's found him, she'll never let him go.
    可见,Now that 表示既然结果是……”BNC-World众多例句也说明了这一意思,如:
1. Sir: Now that the dust kicked up by the mass raid on the Broadwater Farm estate last week has begun to settle, it is time to embark upon an assessment of its effects.
2. Now that Caen had fallen, some of the villagers, were beginning to drift back to their homes.
3. Now that Czechoslovakia is stepping out of the Stalinist ice-box, nationalist voices in Slovakia are beginning to be heard again.
    Cobuild since的解释如下:
3 You use since to introduce a reason.
Aircraft noise is a problem here since we're close to Heathrow Airport.
Since it was Saturday, he stayed in bed an extra hour.
1 If you exclude something from an activity or discussion, you deliberately do not include that thing in it.
The retail prices index, excluding housing costs, rose by 646.6 per cent.
2 If you exclude a possibility, you reject it.
A fake call from some local phone box was not excluded.
3 If you exclude someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering the place or taking part in the activity.
...jobs from which the majority of workers are excluded.
    我们由此知道,exclude的句型是exclude somethingexclude someone/something from…,但我们怀疑这个词是否可以表示法律上的不适用于,于是我们查Microsoft Bookshelf中的钱伯斯电子词典,发现一条解释中有:to exempt (from a law, regulation, etc) 。所以,这里可以用exclude,也提醒我们,还可以用exempt
    所以,前半句可以翻译为:One view is that since the criminal law of China does not exclude husband and wife…或者用被动语态:One view is that since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China …(考虑到后半句话题是丈夫,为保持话题的一致,用被动更好一些)。也可以用exempt翻译:One view is that since husband and wife are not exempted from the criminal law of China …这半句还有一个小问题:是criminal law in China还是criminal law of China? BNC-World上查criminal law of,结果有:
1. The criminal law of England (it might well be argued) is shot through with inconsistencies and irrationalities
2. suggested that Imelda Marcos would be charged under the criminal law of the Philippines at some point in the future.
3. There are plenty of examples in English criminal law of crimes which appear to include
    所以,我们不仅可以说the criminal law of China,还可以说the Chinese criminal law。至于the criminal law in China,查询结果共有12项,其中3项与我们的要求在形式上相似,它们是:
1. The Dutch courts applied Roman-Dutch criminal law in the Low Country, though it is unlikely that it was adhered to by headmen or officials trying minor offences.
2. His lecture took as its starting point the distinction drawn by the Wolfenden Committee between public and private behaviour, and what it thus considered to be the proper role of the criminal law in these areas.
3. There is growing interest in the possibility of introducing a formal system of plea bargaining and discounts into the systems of criminal law in the UK.
    但仔细分析,发现介词in组成的短语并不修饰law:第一句应当理解为to applyin some place;第二句应理解为the proper role in these areas;第三句应理解为the systems in the UK. 所以,不能用介词in.
原译:if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, he has committed rape.
    学生选用的关键词是force. 我们查Cobuild看动词force的意思和搭配:
1. If you force someone to do something, you cause them to do it, although they are unwilling.
They forced him to resign.
She forced herself to kiss her mother's cheek.
...the campaign to force the closure of the factory.
Weekend gales forced him to change his plans.
2. If you force something into a particular position, you use a lot of strength to make it move there.
I forced his head back.
3. If you force a lock, door, or safe, you break the lock in order to open it.
    学生的用法符合第一个句型to force someone to do something. 从第1项解释还可以看到,force本身有违背某人意愿的意思,所以,违背妻子意愿不译出来是对的。
    我们看to participate in unwanted sexual activity这个词汇搭配是否说得通。
    Google: participate in unwanted sexual activity”,结果有:
Date/Acquaintance rape occurs when an individual is forced by someone he or she knows to participate in unwanted sexual activity.
原译:he has committed rape.
    这部分译文显然与原文意思不太相符。原文是表达一种观点,译文是陈述事实,原因在于没有把应定为翻译出来。假如我们从的译法入手,看能否到解决方案。字典上可能无法直接查出来,但是可以到的:rape. 那么,是否可以说crime of rape?我们可以用Google或其他电子手段查一下这个搭配是否成立。结果发现答案是肯定的。 那么,下一步就是决定与crime of rape搭配的动词是什么。用Cobuild Concordance SamplerVBN+5crime of rape(表示要搜索一个过去分词+crime of rape,两者之间的单词数不超过5个),结果有两个符合我们需要的意思:
1. be adjudged guilty of the crime of rape & hellip You know what [f] carnal [f] 
2. person convicted of the crime of rape shall be imprisoned in a           
    我们可以从中抽出两个搭配:Someone is adjudged guilty of a crime. 以及Someone is convicted of a crime.
    基于这个结果,我们可以把原译文修改如下:he should be convicted of the crime of rape.
不言而喻造句    所以,整个句子翻译为:
1. One view is that since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China, if a husband forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, he should be convicted of the crime of rape. 或者:
2. One view is that the husband should be convicted of the crime of rape if he forces his wife to participate in unwanted sexual activity, since husband and wife are not excluded from the criminal law of China.
3. Coercive sex within marriage should be a criminal offense since husband and wife are not exempted from the Chinese criminal law.