我心中的英雄英语作文_The hero in my heart 2篇
导读:关于”我心中的英雄“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The hero in my heart。以下是关于我心中的英雄的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。关于”我心中的英雄“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The hero in my heart。以下是关于我心中的英雄的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:The hero in my heartA few days ago, the TV station reported that Beth Smith, a retired school mathematics teacher, had been volunteering in a United Nations refugee camp in Thailand for the past few years to help children who could not afford to go to school to learn mathematics and English. I was deeply moved when the reporter asked Beth why she spent all her time volunteering in third world countries By helping these children, I feel that I am doing a good job for the society, so I am happy. Her answer reminded me of the virtues of helping others, and I realized that she was a real hero in my heart.中文翻译:前几天电视台报道了一位退休的学校数学老师,贝丝·史密斯,过去几年一直在泰国的一个难民营做志愿者,帮助那些上不起学的孩子学习数学和英语,我在看这个故事时深受感动,特别是当记者问贝丝为什么她会把所有的时间都花在第三世界的做志愿者时,她回答说,通过帮助这些孩子,我觉得我在为社会
做好事,因此我感到高兴。她的回答让我想到了帮助别人的美德,我意识到她是我心中真正的英雄。万能作文模板2:我心中的英雄My hero have you seen the movie hero? You may like the people in the movie, but I don't think they are the real heroes in my heart. The Chinese astronaut, Yang Liwei, is the real hero. He is the first man in China to land on the moon.This trip to the moon is a success. Although there are some difficulties, it also brings us courage and knowledge as an astronaut. In order to complete this special trip succesully, Yang Liwei made a great contribution to the success of this special trip And work very hard, we should learn from him, build our moon tour, the country is stronger, we Chinese people are proud of having such an excellent space hero.中文翻译:我心中的英雄你看过电影《英雄》吗?你可能喜欢电影里的人,但我不认为他们是我心中真正的英雄,中国宇航员,杨利伟是真正的英雄,他是我国第一个登上月球的人,这次月球之旅是他成功的,虽然有一些困难,但也给我们带来了作为一名宇航员的勇气和知识,杨利伟为了圆满完成这次特殊的旅行而非常努力地工作,我们应该向他学习,建立我们的月球之旅变强了,我们中国为拥有这样一位优秀的航天英雄而自豪。满分英语范文3:我心中的英雄In everyone's heart, there is a hero, a national hero, or a hero in a movie. The hero is my mot
her. My mother quit her job and stayed at home to support my study.She cooks and washes clothes for me every day. She gets up earlier than me to make breakfast. She cleans when I go to school.She accompanies me to prepare milk for me to drink when I do my homework. My mother works full-time I work for me, but I don't cherish it. I often make her angry.She is like a hero who often faces opposition a few days ago. I quarreled with her and ran away from home. She went to Internet cafes and inns one after another to find me.She was really worried that my hero did not have a tall body, strong arms and strong energy, but what she had was the love of a mother.中文翻译:在每个人的心中,都有一个英雄,一个民族的英雄,或者一个电影里的英雄,英雄是我的母亲我母亲辞掉了工作留在家里养活我的学习她每天为我做饭和洗衣服,她比我早起做早餐她在我上学的时候打扫卫生她在我做作业的时候她陪着我准备牛奶给我喝我妈妈全职为我工作,但我不珍惜,我经常让她生气她就像几天前经常面对反对的英雄,我和她吵架,离家出走,她去一个又一个的网吧和一个又一个的客栈我她真的很担心我的英雄没有高大的身躯,强壮的臂膀,也没有强大的精力,但她拥有的是一个母亲的爱。