Sit With Us
You’re at your new school. /你刚到新学校,It’s lunch time, /午餐时间but you don’t have anyone to sit with./但是你没有一同就餐的同学 You want to join someone at their table/你想和某人同桌就餐, ___9___ you’re not sure if they’re friendly/    你不确定他们是否友好. What do you do? /你会做什么?Natalie’s ___10___ of solving the problem was to create an app. /纳塔利解决这个问题的方法是创建一个应用程序She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school. /她知道一个人孤孤单单的在新学校是什么感觉。She found it difficult to make new friends/她发现很难交到新朋友 and had to ___11___ a new table at lunch every day/每天午饭都得个新桌子. If she sat ___12___, she felt lonely./如果她一个人坐着,她会感到孤独。
But if she asked to join someone and was ___13___, she felt embarrassed./但如果她要求加入某人而被拒绝,她就会感到尴尬。 She created a lunch-planning app to help students like ___14___ find people to have lunch with./她创建了一个午餐计划应用程序,帮助像她这样的学生到一起吃午餐的人。
The app — called Sit With Us — is ___15___. If a student is having lunch in the afternoon, he or she can create an invitation. /如果学生在下午吃午饭,他或她可以创建一个邀请。Other students can open the app /其他学生可以打开应用程序and ___16___ that invitation. They can then use the app to decide when and where to ___17___.然后他们可以使用该应用程序来决定见面的时间和地点 This allows students to make ___18___ online instead of face-to-face. /这使得学生可以在网上做计划而不是面对面交流。This is the reason why it works so ___19___: it lowers the risk of being refused, and the embarrassment that goes along with it./这就是为什么它运行如此有效的原因:它降低了被拒绝的风险,以及随之而来的尴尬。
Natalie is ___20___ to see that people are replying to her app actively — especially those
who suffer from bullying (遭受欺凌). /纳塔利很高兴看到人们积极回复她的应用程序,尤其是那些遭受欺凌的人。Soon after she made her app available to the public, she won a prize for it. /在她将自己的应用程序向公众开放后不久,她就因此获奖了。She ___21___ appeared in many news stories./她也出现在许多新闻报道中。Natalie was even asked to speak at a university./娜塔莉甚至被邀请到一所大学演讲。 In her ___22___, Natalie wanted people to know that you don’t have to do something ___23___ to change lives. /在她的演讲中,娜塔莉想让人们知道,你不必做什么大事来改变生活。Sometimes, a simple thing — like having a friend to enjoy lunch with — can make all the difference./有时候,一件简单的事情——比如有一个朋友一起享用午餐——就能让一切变得不同。
9. A. so B. or C. for D. but
10. A. habit      B. course 
     C. method  D. question
11. A. search for B. fix up 
     C. give out D. get away from
12. A. on time B. in a hurry 
     C. by herself D. in public
13. A. called B. refused 
     C. discussed D. believed
14. A. us B. it C. her D. them
15. A. cheap B. simple 
      C. private D. noisy
16. A. miss B. make C. send D. accept
17. A. stop B. study C. meet D. exercise
18. A. plans   B. trouble 
但是你没有     C. reports   D. dinner
19. A. late B. well C. hard D. loudly
20. A. upset   B. sorry 
     C. happy    D. angry
21. A. also B. just C. still D. seldom
22. A. book B. talk C. school D. picture
23A. big B. new C. similar D. enjoyable
【答案】9. D10. C11. A12. C13. B14. C15. B16. D17. C18. A19. B20. C21. A22. B23. A
【导语】本文主要介绍了纳塔利制作了一个名为“Sit With Us”的软件来帮助学生们到一起吃午饭的人。
habit习惯;course课程;method方法;question问题。根据“to create an app”可知这是解决问题的方法。故选C。
search for寻;fix up修理;give out分发;get away from逃离。根据“She found it difficult to make new friends”可知交不到朋友,吃午餐要没人的新桌子。故选A。
on time准时;in a hurry匆忙;by herself独自;in public公开地,当众。根据“she felt lonely”可知感到孤独应是独自坐着。故选C。
called打电话;refused拒绝;discussed讨论;believed相信。根据“she felt embarrassed”可推出想要加入别人但被拒绝了。故选B。
句意:这款名为Sit With Us的应用程序很简单。
cheap便宜的;simple简单的;private私人的;noisy喧闹的。根据“This allows students to make ... online instead of face-to-face.”可知这款应用程序很简单。故选B。