běi jīng huān yíng
        Welcome to Beijing
yíng jiē lìng chén   dài lái quán xīn kōng
Another morning is coming, and brings in the fresh air
gǎi biàn  qíng wèi biàn   chá xiāng piāo mǎn qíng
Our friendship will never change, just like the fragrance of green tea
jiā mén cháng kāi  kāi fàng 怀huái bào děng
My door is always open for you, and I’m here for you with open arms
yōng bào guò 别想他 歌词jiù yǒu le huì ài shàng zhè
You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here
不管bùguǎn 远近yuǎnjìn  都是dōushì 客人kèrén  qǐng 不用búyòng sustainqi
Wherever you're from you'll be our guest so just be at home
相约xiāngyuē hǎo le zài 一起yìqǐ  我们wǒmen 欢迎huānyíng
We have agreed to meet here, we'd like to welcome you
家种jiāzhòng zhe 万年青wànniánqīng   开放kāifàng měi duàn 传奇chuánqí
I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past
wéi chuán tǒng de  rǎng zhǒng   wéi 学习英模 liú xià huí
Sown on the old Soil to record your memory
陌生mòshēng 熟悉shúxī    都是dōushì 客人kèrén  qǐng 不用búyòng 客气kèqi
Friends and strangers, you are all my guests, and please be at home
第几dìjǐ lái  没关系méiguānxi   yǒu tài duō 话题huàtí
No matter how many times we meet, there are still a lot to talk about
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng   wéi 肾积水如何 开天辟地kāitiānpìdì
Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动liúdòng zhōng de 魅力mèilì  充满chōngmǎn zhe 朝气zhāoqì
The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng     zài 太阳tàiyáng xià 分享fēnxiǎng 呼吸hūxī
Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
zài 黄土地huángtǔdì  刷新shuāxīn  chéng
We want to make new record on this yellow soil
jiā 大门dàmén cháng 打开dǎkāi  开怀kāihuái 容纳róngnà 天地tiāndì
I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world
岁月suìyuè 绽放zhànfàng  青春qīngchūn 笑容xiàoróng  迎接yíngjiē 这个zhège 日期rìqī
The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome that day
tiān   dōu shì 朋友péngyǒu    qǐng 不用búyòng 客气kèqi
We are all friends, please make yourself at home
huà shī qíng dài xiào   zhī wéi děng dài
With all the smiles, I am here waiting for you
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng   xiàng 音乐yīnyuè 感动gǎndòng
Welcome to Beijing, May my music touch you
ràng 我们wǒmen    dōu 加油jiāyóu  超越chāoyuè 自己zìjǐ
Let’s working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng   yǒu 梦想mèngxiǎng  shuí dōu 了不起liǎobuqǐ
Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
yǒu yǒng   jiù huì yǒu 
Just be brave and there will be a miracle
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng   wéi 开天辟地kāitiānpìdì
Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动liúdòng zhōng de朝鲜和韩国怎么分开的 魅力mèilì  充满chōngmǎn zhe 朝气zhāoqì
The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng     zài 太阳tàiyáng xià 分享fēnxiǎng 呼吸hūxī
Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
zài 黄土地huángtǔdì  刷新shuāxīn  chéng
We want to make new record on this yellow soil
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng 中国男篮2021奥运会名单  xiàng 音乐yīnyuè 感动gǎndòng
Welcome to Beijing, May my music touch you
ràng 我们wǒmen    dōu 加油jiāyóu  超越chāoyuè 自己zìjǐ
Let’s working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京běijīng 欢迎huānyíng   yǒu 梦想mèngxiǎng  shuí dōu 了不起liǎobuqǐ
Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
yǒu yǒng   jiù huì yǒu 
Just be brave and there will be a miracle