So far as my small experience goes,the most wonderful
arrival in the world is at Venice
; but you should time it
after dark.Venice is so unlike anything else on earth that
the first impact of it must be a marvelous experience at
any hour ;but after dark it is magical.You may have been
reading books about Venice all your life ;you may have seen
innumerable pictures of the glories of the city ;but no book
and no picture can prepare you for the enchantment of this
arrival.To step out of the glitter and bustle of the
station — rather weary and jaded with the long journey from
Mila n — straight on to the landing stage aga inst which the
water of the Grand Canal is lapping
, to step on board a
gondola and to go gliding down the dark
,broad , silent
highway,with dim-lit    ,ghostly palaces on either hand
not till memory forsakes you will you forget this
experience.The strange silence ,broken only by the measured
dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against
your cleaving prow ,and the occasional hoarsecries of the
gondoliers as you pass another of these black

barges ;the few and feeble lamps ,giving you momentary
glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches ;the sudden
intensification of the silence and the darkness as you
abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the
narrower waterways ,always with tall houses on both sides
of you, and above you a clear sky of stars , stars reflected
tremblingly on the black waters
—thousa nds of tourists
must have tried to describe all this , but the magic and the
mystery and the beauty of it defy humanspeech.And the spell
is heightened by the consciousness that this is Venic
at the back of your mind is all that you have read about
the strange history of this city ,once the richest and most
brilliant and most powerful in Europe
,later fallen upon
evil days of decay and subjection to a forein power
beginning to lift her head again as one of the great
seaports of Italy.
在有限的阅历当中, 我所到过的世界上最美丽的地方要数威
描写威尼斯的著作; 也可能欣赏过无数描绘这个城市辉煌美景的

图画;然而,任何一部著作,任何一幅图画,都不能让你感受到 这种置身其中的心醉。从米兰启程到威尼斯,一路的长途跋涉已 经让人疲惫不堪了;走出车站的喧闹与拥挤, 径直踏上威尼斯大 运河,海浪轻轻拍打着的栈桥,登上冈多拉,在漆黑、宽广、寂 静的水面上滑行而过,河岸两侧灯光昏暗的古代宫殿若隐若现;
除非是记忆将你遗弃,否则,你将永远不会忘掉这样的经历。船 桨缓慢而有节奏地拨动着水面,抑或是船头划开水面轻溅起了水 花,再或是你们超过的另一艘黑驳船不时传来了船夫低声的吆 喝,只有这些声音,才能打破这种独特的静谧;星星点点的微弱
灯光,能让你在一瞬间瞥见岸上的楼和雕刻精美的拱门;    当冈
多拉载着你忽然驶出大运河继而拐进一条狭窄的水路时,    这种寂 静和黑暗就愈加浓郁了,水路两旁依旧矗立着高耸的楼, 头顶上是清澈的星空,星光点点闪烁,倒映在黑的水面上 成千上万的观光者一定都想试图描述这一切;然而,她的魔力, 她的神秘,她的美丽,却让人难于言表。一想到这便是威尼斯, 人们所感受到的魔力与魅力就更浓了; 也许你还依稀记得这个城 市神奇的经历:她曾经一度是欧洲最富有、最荣耀、最强大的城
著名学者于根元指出,语言具有人文性,人们的沟通是文化 的沟通,人们的交际是文化的交际。世界上不同的国家、不同的
民族,有着不同的语言。总的来说,世界上有几大语系,例如, 汉藏语系( The Sino-Tibetan Family );印欧语系( The
Indo-European Family );乌拉尔阿尔泰语系( The Ural-Altaic
Family );闪含语系(又称亚非语系 The Hemito-Semitic Family ); 非洲语系 (The African Family );南岛语系 (The Austronesian