追逐春日的和风, 沐浴温暖的阳光!在这美好的日子里,羊山镇的师生们迎来了自己的节日——2014年羊山镇春季运动会。本届运动会以文明、友谊、拼搏、向上为宗旨,共有七个学校84名运动员参加11个项目的角逐。运动员们将以拼搏奋进,勇攀高峰的精神和友谊第一、比赛第二的比赛风尚,充分展示羊山镇小学师生拼搏进取的精神风貌。
all the members of red flag team look deep feeling of confidence and they are walking at a tidy, vigorous pace, walking toward us. dozens of red flag flies by the
wind, red represents passion, rosy clouds all over the sky, flag sea surge. there breeds a kind of spirit between sea and sky, hinting a kind of mission. flag rising, they go forward with confidence. they are inspiring, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder with the song of life to create the glory and dream. 接着走过来的是本届运动会裁判员代表队.这是一支无私奉献的队伍,运动会将在他们的严谨,公平,公正的执裁中顺利进行.为使本届运动会成功举办,全体裁判员将本着公平公正实事求是的态度和稳健,热情,大公无私的职业操守,统一尺度,秉公执裁,全心全意为赛事服务.我们期待着本届运动会在裁判的公正执裁中,圆满完成所有赛事.
  then coming the representative team of referees in this sports meeting. this is a selfless team; the sports meeting
will be held successfully because of their rigorous and fair judge. to make the successful hosting of the games, the referee will be in line with the attitude of seeking truth from facts and be fair. they will offer their services whole-heartedly with unified dimension, justice of judge and in a steady, enthusiastic, selfless work
ethic,. we look forward to the successful completion of all events in the referees justice of judge.
  see, now the coming phalanx in high spirit is ninth grade team. tidy and vigorous pace, step by step, represents the confidence and strength of the ninth grade. a kind of energy of youth flies upward. the vitality of youth, flies in the air. we are ready to accomplish the dream of youth,
sing the song of the dream loudly and step with confidence, which constitutes the special scenery on the runway. with undiscovered talent, everyone is so shiny. believing that they can soar like an eagle in the games, to break through the blue s
ky, surpassing their dreams and showing the elegant demeanour, getting good grades.
  现在进入会场的是朝气蓬勃的202班,他们正迎着春风,踏着矫健的步伐向我们走来,他们的口号是”放飞梦想,创造辉煌,非比寻常,202班最强”.希望他们在本次运动会中凝聚一心,团结一致,勇争第一,在比赛中发挥出最高水平.202班,加油  now, being full of vigor and vitality, entering the meeting place is 202 class. they are walking toward us, against the spring breeze, stepping a vigorous pace. their slogan is to fly dream, to create brilliant, to be unusual, the 202 class is the s
trongest class. hoping they can play the highest level in the game as one, solidarity team and be first. the 202 class, come on
the 203 class, if rainbow can describe a gorgeous scenery, so we put a little of blush; if white clouds can show a wisp of pure, then we only may interpret a kind of brightness and cleanness. if beauty is the end of dreams and hope, so we will let the pursuit of struggle to be eternal. the 203 class team was now coming to us, who is a unity of pragmatic representing hardworking, persistence, and a blend of goodness and wisdom. ten thousand is too long, to seize every minute. we will fly our dream, show our bright smile in the sunshine and soar in the wind and rain. we will be brilliant in the spring of rongzhi education.