(满分:150分; 时间:120分钟)
  第一部分 (选择题)
Ⅰ.听音理解(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30 分)
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读一遍)
(  ) 6. What is Mike good at?
A. Playing Chess.                  B. Singing.                C. Swimming.
(  ) 7. How does Bob usually go to school?
A. By bus.                        B. By car.                    C. By bike.
(  ) 8.What time does Peter usually go for a walk?
A. At 5:30 pm.                    B. At 6:30 pm.                C. At 7:30 pm.
(  ) 9.Where does the woman want to go?
A. To the bank.                    B. To the cinema.            C. To the post office.
(  )10. What does Paul look like?       
A. He is short.                        B. He is very tall.            C. He has big eyes.
(  )11. What club did Paul join?
A The art club.                        B. The music club.            C. The basketball club.
(  )12. Where does Tom work?
A. In a bank.                        B. In a hospital            C. In a restaurant.
(  )13. What does Tom think of the job?
A. Easy.                            B. Interesting.                C. Boring.
(  )14. Where did Steven stay?
A. In a small house.                B. In a hotel.                C. In a tent.
(  )15. How was the weather?
A. Sunny.                            B. Cloudy.                C. Windy.
The school trip
On 61. ______
To a mountain
62. ______and warm
What they did
63. ______ and played games on the way.
Climbed the mountain.
Had lunch at a quiet place.
Got back to school at 64. ______pm.
They felt 65. ______but thought it was interesting.
Ⅱ. 语言知识应用 (15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
第一节 单项选择 从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
(  )16. Carol likes playing ________ soccer very much. She often watches soccer games on TV.
A. the                            B. a                      C. /
(  )17.---Jane, how was your visit to the fire station yesterday?
---Terrible. There _________ so many people that I couldn’t see or hear the guide.
A.are                            B. was                    C. were   
(  )18. --Would you like some tea _____ juice, Helen?
-- Either is OK.
A. and                            B. but                    C. or
(  )19. Children all like that giraffe. It looks beautiful and_____.
A. lazy                            B. cute                    C. noisy
(  )20. Nick ______takes the bus to school, but he walked to school this morning.
A. only                            B. usually                C. just
( )21. Beijing Expo 2019 is held in Yanqing district, ________April 29 to October 7.
A. between                          B. from                    C. on
(  )22. This pencil box is too expensive. Can you get a_____ one for me?
A. slow                            B. cheap                    C. new
(  )23. Helen says she doesn' t enjoy ______up late.
A. stayed                        B. to stay                    C. staying
(  )24. --Why didn't you tell your parents your problems?
--They' re busy. I don't want them to _________about me.
A. talk                            B. worry                    C. think
(  )25.My grandpa loves to________. He always says it's a good way to help him know the world better.
A. read newspaper                    B. tell stories                C. take walks
(  )26.--_______ is it from here to the music club?
--Ten minutes by bike.
A. How long                        B. How old                C. How far
( )27.I like the _______ of strawberry. It is really delicious.
A. taste                            B. size                    C. look            (  )28.______sing in the living room, Jack! It's too noisy.
A. Not                            B. Don't                    C. Can't
(  )29. --Did you have a nice trip?
--Not really, It ________ all day. I did nothing but watched TV at the hotel.
A. rained                        B. is raining                C. rains
(  )30.--_______?
--Yes, I'd like some beef noodles.
A. What do you look like            B. How's it going            C. Can I take your order
Ⅲ. 完形填空 (每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Tony Black got home from school an hour later than usual last Friday evening. Mr. Black wasn’t happy. He asked, 31 do you come home so late? Don’t you know that we 32 you?
Tony put down his schoolbag and said, “I’m very sorry. I know it’s 33 to follow our family rules. I played soccer just now. But Dad, I didn’t make the soccer team (球队).” Tony felt terrible.
Hearing this, Mr. Black said, “Oh, I didn’t know you were 34 soccer. You know I can play soccer quite well. Why didn’t you ask me to 35 you?”
“I wanted to厦门英语 make the soccer team and give you a 36 ,” Tony answered.
“I see,” Mr. Black said. “Now, do you want to know the secret (秘诀) of becoming an excellent soccer player?”
“Yes, sure,” Tony said, looking up at his father.
“It is to practice really37 ,” Mr. Black said. “If you want to play it well, you have to spend a lot of time 38   it. Do you think you      can do that? 39 your answer is ‘YES’, we can practice tomorrow.”
“Daddy, my answer is ‘YES’ and let’s 40 right now,” said Tony.
“Okay, let’s go!” So, the two came out with the soccer ball.
(  )31. A. How                B. Why                C. Where
(  )32. A. think of              B. shout at                C. worry about
(  )33. A. important              B. lucky                C. terrible