Whatever your age or interests, Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly memorable.
结构分析:这句是个复合句,Whatever your age or interests是由Whatever引导的让步状语从句,interests后省略了are.
High energy(高能)
  If you desire physical activities, you can choose activities from swimming to horse riding. Explore the heights with Go Ape, the high wire forest adventure course, or journey beneath the earth at Poole's Cavern. And don't forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.
如果你想进行体育活动,你可选择游泳或者骑马。你可以通过Go Ape,也就是空中绳索森林冒险计划进行登高活动,也可以开启普尔洞穴的地下之旅。请不要忘了:我们四周就是一个天然的游乐场,非常适合散步,洞穴探险,攀爬和蹬脚踏车。
High minded(情操升华)
Buxton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and you' ll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buxton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery. There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to become involved, including workshops and events.
Buxton有理由为它的自然生态而感到自豪,在Buxton Opera HousePavilion Arts Centre Green Man Gallery,你会发现这里非常适合拥有艺术,音乐,歌剧和表演艺术修养的各人。创意人士有机会参与其中,包括研讨会和各种活动。
结构分析:justifiably adv. 无可非议地; become involved使参与
Keeping the kids happy(让孩子们快乐)
Children love the small train and playgrounds in the Pavilion Gardens and there’s plenty more to explore at the Buxton Museum. There's a new  indoor play centre, plus the special events and workshops, and others during school holiday periods
孩子们喜欢Pavilion Gardens里的小火车和游乐场,在Buxton博物馆可以尽情探索。这里有一个新的室内游戏中心,以及一些特别活动项目、提高动手能力的工作坊和学校假期期间的其他活动内容。
56. If you want to take an undergounld journey, which place is the best choice?
A. Pole's Caven.                    B. Pavilion Gardens.
C. Buxton Museum.                D. Green Man Gallery.
分析:第二段的beneath the earthundergounld意思一致,所以选择A。
57. Buxton Open House & Pavilion Arts Centre is special because it offers ________.
A. rides in small trains
B. courses in modcm arts
C. artistic and cultural activities
D. basic courses in horse riding
分析:正文最后一段出现了special一词,指的是a new indoor play centre,而不是Buxton Open House & Pavilion Arts Centre,这点需要注意。B选项有一定迷惑性,注意这两个场
1In the 1960swhile studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National ParkBob Christiansen became puzzled about something thatoddlyhad not troubled anyone before2he couldn't find the park's volcano. 3It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature — that's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. 4But Christiansen couldn't find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.
20世纪60年代,Bob Christiansen在研究黄石国家公园的火山活动的历史时,碰到了一件非常奇怪的事情,这件事情让他非常迷惑,而这之前从来都没人被此困扰过:他根本不到公园里的火山在何处。长期以来人们一直认为黄石这个地方是火山地质---这也就是为什么这里有很多的温泉和蒸汽的原因。但是Christiansen根本不到黄石里的火山在哪里。
结构分析:第一句while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Parkwhile引导的时间状语从句,这个句子的主语和主句的主语相同,所以被省略了。主句中有个定语从句thatoddlyhad not troubled anyone before。这个句子不算很长,只要抓住主句Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something,然后在前面加上while引导的时间状语从句(省略主语)和在后面加上that引导的定语从句,那么正确理解这句话应该不难。有的同学不认识volcanic这个词,但看到后面有volcano,那么应该能猜出volcanicvolcano的形容词。第三句里的Yellowstone was volcanic in nature是主语从句,因为比较长所以用形式主语it代替放在了句首。破折号后面的that指代的是It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in naturewhat accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features是表语从句,这个从句中what是主语。account for是一个非常重要的短语,意思是:说明(原因、理由等); 导致,引起; (在数量、比例上)占; 对…负责。在不同的应用场合,其意思有不同的解释。
1Most of uswhen we talk about volcanoesthink of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjarowhich are created when erupting magma(岩浆)piles up. 2These can form remarkably quickly. 3In 1943a Mexican farmer was surprised
to see smoke rising from a small part of his land. 4In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high.5Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across. 6Altogether there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earthwhatever什么意思all but a few hundred of them extinct. 7There ishowevera second less known type of volcano that doesn't involve mountain building. 8These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crackleaving behind a vast holethe caldera. 9Yellowstone obviously was of this second typebut Christiansen couldn't find the caldera anywhere.
结构分析:第一句里包含了一个when引导的时间状语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句,在这个定语从句中还包含了一个when引导的时间状语从句。主句其实很简单:Most of us think of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro。看清楚句子结构后,就能正确理解本句话。第二句话These can form remarkably quickly.中的主语these指代的是the classic cone shapes。第一个副词remarkably修饰第二个副词quickly,加强了语气,凸显了圆锥体结构形成的速度令人感到瞠目结舌。第五句top out是个非常形象的短语,意思是高度超出地面。请仔细体会一下,如果只有top这个词,形象就会大打折扣,多加一个out,就有一个向上的趋势。across这个单词有意思,它既可以做介词也可以做副词,在本句做副词,意思是:横过,越过。我们在学习across这个单词的时候往往主要介绍其做介词的用法,所以大部分考生对介词across并不陌生,可是在本句中across是副词,因为其后并没有出现宾语。所以,对于简单词汇的陌生词性在日常学习的过程中一定要多加注意。第六句话很简单,一看就懂。但是要注意这里的somesome这个词很常见,可是它的词性(或用法)大部分考生未必清楚。它常见的词性是限定词和代词,比如some books(限定词),some…the others(代词)。本句中的some既不是限定词也不
是代词,而是副词。请大家记住,当some用在数词前的时候是副词。比如本句some ten thousand of these volcanoes,意思是:大约,差不多,和approximately意思相近。all but a few hundred of them extinct这个结构非常简单,之所以称之为结构而不是句子,是因为它是真正的独立主格结构。在本句中没有系动词are,只有一个逻辑主语all和一个逻辑表语extinct。中间的but a few hundred of them可以独立出来,剩下all extinct,也就是说所有都熄灭(不活动了),只有几百个火山例外(还在活动)。有的考生非常马虎,他们认为大部分火山都在活动,只有少数几百个已经不在活动。所以在阅读的时候一定要小心谨慎,否则会得出完全相反的结论。第七句包含了一个There ishowevera second less known type of volcano that doesn't involve mountain building.that引导的限制性定语从句。很多考生不理解involve mountain building指的是什么意思,甚至把building看成了大楼或建筑物;mountain building理解成在山上盖楼,这都是大错特错的。前面说到第一种火山是靠岩浆不断堆积形成火山,就是在building mountain造山。而本句中强调还有一种火山,它形成的过程跟第一种完全不同,它不是通过mountain building形成的,而是另外一种形式。第八句有个重要的句型so…that…  that引导了一个结果状语从句they burst open in a single big crack. leaving behind a vast hole是伴随状语,the calderaa vast hole的同位语。第
九句非常简单,一看就懂。可是这句里有个非常重要的句型就是:be+of+名词。这里的名词可以有两种不同的性质和意义,它们完全不同。第一种:be of 后可接value,  importance,  use,  help,  significance, interest, benefit 等一些抽象词,这样的结构用来说明句子主语所具有的作用、重要性或意义。在这类抽象名词前我们可用一些形容词,如: great, little, some, any, no, not much等来修饰抽象名词,用以说明程度。举例:1They are of great help to learners of English.他们对英语学习者有很大帮助。2The book will be of great value to students of history.这本书对学历史的学生将很有用。第二种:be of +名词,还可用来说明句子主语在度量,大小,颜,类别等方面的特征。这类名词有colour, age, size, height, weight, shape, typekind, quality等。在这类名词前常用different, all, the samethis, that,  a(n) + 形容词等词来修饰或说明。举例:1Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes, and of different metals.  货币可能在大小、重量、形状和铸造的金属方面都有所不同。2These pens are of many different colours.这些笔有许多不同的颜。本文中出现的就是第二种用法。通过上面的介绍,考生对be+of+名词这种句型应该是了然于胸了。