中国市场潜力 Chinese Market Potential
Recent years, on November 11th, which is believed to be the Singles Day, has become the carnival for Chinese people, because the online products have the great discount. On that day, the computer system will be challenged because numerous customers are fighting for the trade. Chinese market potential is infinite.近年来,1111,这天被认为是单身节日,已经成为中国人的嘉年华,因为网上产品有大的折扣。在那一天,计算机系统将会受到挑战,因为许多客户在进行交易。中国市场的潜力是无限的。
The Singles Day day had become shopping day a few years ago. The single persons played the joke that shopping online could console their lonely hearts, and many slogans online advocated them to buy products. As more and more manufacturers joined the team to show the on sale products, the day November 11 th is admited to be the online shopping day.单身节在几年前已经成为购物节。单身的人开玩笑说,网上购物可以安慰他们孤独的心,许多网上的口号提倡他们购买产品。随着越来越多的厂商加入了这个队伍团队,出售打折产品,
11网购英语作文11 号成为了公认的网购节。
When the media reported the turnover of Singles day, which surprised all. It reached the top of a year, whats more, every year the turnover increases. Chinese business market is booming, while for foreign countries, they have the hard time. So more foreigners have come to China and seek for cooperation. The world is watching us and we are so proud that our country is stronger.当媒体报道光棍节的营业额时,大家都感到惊讶。销售额达到了一年的顶峰,而且,每年营业额都在增加。中国商业市场正在蓬勃发展,然而国外,他们在经历着艰难的时刻。所以越来越多的外国人来到中国,寻求合作。全世界都在看着我们,我们非常自豪,国家变得越来越强大。