M12   save our world
U1 if everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved
学习目标1.知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法factory, pollute, recycle,waste, enemy, crop, kill, oil, less, hopeless, 
1.制造厂      2.  污染      3. 回收利用          4.废料   
5. 敌人        6. 庄稼      7. 杀死            8. 石油
9. 较少的        10. 无望的
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重难点突破1.pollution is our great enemy ,and we have to fight it.
enemy 的复数是________, 一个敌人_____.
Pollute 的名词是________..是不可数名词。
fight with ___________  fight against __________________.
1. 如果河流被污染了,农民们就不用水来浇灌庄嫁。
被污染be pollute.抽烟会污染空气。_________________________________
There is a lot of traffic and ___________(污染)
2.They used ______ ______ oil and  cause  pollution as well.
so much _________修饰 ____________________.
cause v  __________.使某人做某事 ___________________.
那引起许多问题。That ___________(引起) a lot of problems.
3.we can’t do anything about factories and cars.
factory n. ______, 其复数形式是_________.
We have set up a lot of new _________________(factory)
4. It’s no use talking about things we can’t do.
It’s no use doing sth.  在这个句型中,it ________. ____________是真正的主语。 类似的句子有。It’s no good doing sth
It’s a waste of time / money doing sth .
It’s fun doing
: 跟他讲没用,因为他从来不听。
It is no ______ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.
A. use      B. help    C. time    D. way
5. That means less waste. ________________.
less adj, 较少的, prep .较少数, 较少量。Little 的比较级,常用来修饰或代替_________名词. 当修饰可数名词时用___________.
他的书比我的书少。 ________________________________________.
I think Bob is the suitable person to take the job because he can do the work well w
ith ________ money and ______people
less,  fewer   . Less, more  .more, fewer
U2 repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse
1.知识目标:1)Remember the words and expressions.
(一)预习检测  1.分开 v      2.塑料 n, adj        3. 政策
4. 再次使用v        5. n          6. 扔掉      7.重说 v
8.减少 v          9. n          10.许多    11. 橡胶 n    12. 快速的adj    13. 步骤,措施 n    14. 孙子        15.外孙女
Look at the pictures. (将图片以幻灯片的形式展现)Say which things are better for the environment. Can you think of any other ways to protect the environment and save energy? 从而导入本单元的中心话题——减少、重新利用和再生
1reading quickly : finish activity 4.P99.课本
2recycle是什么意思Read the passage quietly again and choose the best answers.
(  ) 1. Which of the following does harm to the environment?
A. Riding a bike to school          B. Using things as long as possible.
C. Using plastic bags when shopping  D. Reusing waste
(  ) 2. Why do we reduce waste?
A. Because it can save money.
B. Because it can reduce pollution going into the environment.
C. Because it can save money and causes less pollution.
(  ) 3. If your pen doesn’t work, you’d better _________.
A. throw it away.  B. repair it.  C. buy a new one.  D. give it to others.
(  ) 4. what does “recycle ” means ?
A. it means “use less.”  B. it means use again
  C. it means change things into something else to be reused.
(  ) 5. In order to protect our environment, you must remember: _______
A. reduce      B. reuse      C. recycle      D. Above of all
1. Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room.
turn off ________________________, 其反义词组 ____________.
拓展:turn down  ___________        turn up ____________.
It’s  time for CCTV news.let’s ___________ the TV and watch it .
A . turn  on  B. get on  C. try on  D. put on
2. and what do you do with the bottles when they are empty ? ___________________________________________________________________.
辨析。 do with , deal with
1)do with 表示______, .可与deal with 换用。 常用what 连用。
2) deal with __________, __________. 常与how 连用。
How would you deal with an armed burglar?