社会主义法制理念    Dear friends,
    I'm writing to invite you to my birthday party. It will be held at my home on the evening of November 15th.
    As you all know, it's my 18th birthday, so I hope this birthday party will be special and memorable. We'll have a sumptuous dinner consisting of all my favorite dishes. Afterwards we'll have a karaoke competition and a firework show. During the karaoke competition, I will choose two participants randomly to have special award.军阀作风>工匠精神例子
    We'll also have fun games, like "The Name Game". You will be given three pieces of paper. On the first paper, you'll write a name of a famous person. On the second paper, you'll describe the person briefly. Then, the third paper will be given to another participant and try to think out whose name you have written through the brief description. It's a great game to promote interaction between us.
    I'm looking forward to seeing all you my buddies there. We'll make this birthday surpass all my expectations.谭维维男朋友