英文manuka honey是什么中文意思
  英文manuka honey的中文意思
  manuka 英 [mə'nu:kə] 美 [mə'nu:kə] 麦卢卡树;
  honey 英 [ˈhʌni] 美 [美文200字ˈhʌni]
  名词 蜂蜜; <口>宝贝; 可爱的人
  形容 词蜜的; 心爱的; 加了蜜的; (蜜一样)甘美的
  及物动词 给…加蜜; 对…甜言蜜语
  英文manuka honey简单例句
  1. One order stands out - the Manuka Steak topped with the tea tree honey imported from New Zealand that is beautifully rich and dark.
  2. This gentle Manuka Honey Foaming facial wash can be used daily without stripping the skin of it's natural oils.
  3. Hope's Relief Herbal Conditioner is also made from the purest, natural ingredients, including organic, herbal extracts, vitamins and Manuka Honey, plus the gentlest conditioners to protect and soothe your scalp, giving your hair a healthy shine, body and manageability.
  4. Manuka Honey has been shown to be effective in assisting the natural healing of an extensive range of minor wound types.
  5. This expensive and tasty variety of honey comes from bees that feed on New Zealand's manuka trees & a dense-branched genus of shrub that can thrive in soil so depleted of nutrients that little else grows in it.
  英文manuka honey的双语例句
催办  1. So how do you know which is the genuine active manuka honey?
  2. What are some common uses for active manuka honey?
  3. You can find Genuine UMF labelled Manuka Honey in the UK here.
  4. First and foremost, and maybe most importantly, NOT ALL manuka honey is the same, and certainly not all of it contains the same levels of healing properties that it has earned its fame for.
  5. The New Zealand Honey Shop website also contains further information and research on manuka honey.
  6. This beautiful Manuka Honey Foaming facial wash is a refreshing non irritant facial wash suitable for all skin types.
  7. Comvita Lip Cream contains UMF18+ Active Manuka Honey, Propolis and L-lysine to help maintain healthy lips.
  8. Comvita Fortacold Elixir is a special formulation combining bee propolis, Echinacea and Tea Tree Oil with the unique qualities of Manuka honey in a traditional herbal base.
  comvita fortacold 康维他草药蜜糖露是一种特殊配方结合蜂胶,紫锥花和茶树油具有独特特质的manuka 蜂蜜在一个传统的中草药基地。
  9. Organic Rosehip Oil and Manuka Honey are two of the key ingredients that provide unique benefits for soft, supple healthy skin.
  Organic Rosehip 油和Manuka Honey蜂蜜是得到柔软健康皮肤的独特好处的二个关键成份。