第一篇:形容词和副词 (练习题+答案)[小编推荐]
1.The modern machine proved ______ in heart surgery.B A.high valuable B.highly valuable C.valuable high D.valuable highly 2.Mr.Johnson and his ______ daughter do not always understand each other.C A.older
B.the oldest
D.the eldest 3.They ______ thought that the truth would be finally discovered.A A.little
D.bit 4.They hardly believe that the apartment which costs them $ 4,000 is ______.A A.so small
B.such little
C.so little
D.such small 5.If a claim is kept ______, it is more likely to be recognized.C A.live
D.living 6.On his way to school he met a ______, so he sent him to hospital.D A.very ill man B.much sick man C.serious ill man D.very sick man 7.She was operated a month ago but now she was ______.B A.very good B.very well C.healthy
D.good conditioned 8.What I would do is to go ______.ally quietly somewhere
B.somewhere quietly ally quiet somewhere
D.somewhere really quiet 9.The chairman asked ______ to write their questions on a piece of paper and send them to the front.C A.the present members
B.the members presently
C.the members present
D.the presently members 10.The price was very reasonable;I would gladly have paid ______ he asked.D A.three times much as
B.three times as many as C.as three times much as
D.three times as much as 11.The trousers are ______, but Tom does not care a bit. a little small
B.a little too small C.a too little small
D.a small too little 12.She wore a dress to the party that was far more attractive than ______.D
A.other girls
B.that of other girls’ C.the other girls
D.those of other girls 13.He can play tennis better than ______ in the class.B A.any boys
B.any other boy
C.any boy
D.any other 14.Kasia is taking her ______ tour of the shops in search of bargains.A A.daily
C.day time
D.night 15.___ the child expresses his interest in an activity, the stronger it will become.C A.The more frequent
B.The frequenter C.The more frequently
D.The frequentlier 16.We’d better wait _______, Peter and Tom will come very soon.A A.a little longer
B.more longer
D.as longer 17.Although the medicine tastes ______, it seems to help my condition.A A.bad
C.too much bad
D.too badly 18.When she got her first month salary, Diana bought herself ______ dress.C A.a cotton blue expensive
B.an expensive blue cotton C.a blue expensive cotton
D.a cotton expensive blue 19.The doctors have tried ______ to save the life of the wounded soldier.C A.everything possible humanly
B.humanly everything possible C.everything humanly possible
D.humanly possible everything 20.I was worried very much because I’ll miss my flight if the bus arrives ______.B A.lately
D.more later 21.The noise outside was ______ his speech was hardly audible. irritating that
B.so irritating so C.so irritating that
D.so irritating enough that 22.The harder the shrub is to grow, ______.C A.the more higher price it
B.the higher price it is C.the higher the price is
D.the higher is the price 23.The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are ______ taken from the earth.D A.clearest than those
B.clearer than that C.much clear than those
D.much clearer than those
24.______ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself.C A.Three-minute call
B.A three-minutes call C.A three-minute call
D.A three-minutes-call 25.We arrived ______ Professor Baker had already called the roll.D A.so lately that
B.as late that
C.so later that
D.so late that 26.It is ______ that I would like to go to the beach.B A.so nice weather
B.such nice weather C.so nice a weather
D.such a nice weather 27.Her little car isn’t ______ to seat more than two people comfortably.A A.big enough
B.enough big
C.so big enough
D.big as enough 28.His score on the exam was ______ to qualify him for a graduate program. good
B.well enough
C.as high as
D.good enough 29.The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather.B A.lately
D.latest 30.There are ______ that I can’t finish them.B A.so long assignments
B.such long assignments C.long assignments
D.so very long assignments 31.Bats find their way by squeaking ______ and guiding themselves by echoes.A A.very fast