nail [neɪl] n.钉子
name [neɪm] n. 名字;名声,名誉 v. ……取名;识别
This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle.2011辽宁完形】今年我决定做一些事情去重新获得作为叔叔的好名声。
The way Singaporeans name their places is unique.2009天津阅读】新加坡人给他们的地点取名的方式是独特的。
He named my problems and offered solutions.2013浙江阅读】他看出了我的问题并主动提供了解决措施。
短语:call sb names 辱骂某人;           
18,000,000 kids say they have been shouted at or called names while playing sports.2008上海阅读】18,000,000名孩子说他们被大声嚷嚷过或辱骂过。
name … after … ……为命名       
What was the skeleton named after?2012全国二阅读】这个骷髅是以什么为命名的?
you name it 凡是你说的出的(应有尽有)
You name it!2011 全国一单选】凡是你说的出的(应有尽有)!
narrow [ˈnærəʊ] adj. 狭窄的;小的,有限的;勉强的;v. (使范围、差距等)变小;(使)变窄
Setting off very early, we went along an extremely narrow road.2007重庆改错】出发的非常早,我们沿着极其狭窄的道路行走。
Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families.2008广东阅读】今天的代沟并没有消失,但是它在许多家庭里都变小了。
The whole family narrowly escaped from the air accident.2008陕西阅读】整个家庭勉强逃离空难。
Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap.2008江苏写作】许多人建议父母应该多倾听孩子,这样他们将更好的懂的孩子并且发现缩小代沟是很简单的。
narrow 常见短语:narrow escape 死里逃生; narrow victory险胜;narrow defeat勉强击败
nation [ˈneɪʃn] n. 民族,国家
What brings a nation together?2012陕西阅读】什么使一个国家团结起来?
nation的形容词形式:national [ˈnæʃənl] 国家的,民族的
nasty [ˈnɑ:stɪ] adj.令人不愉快的
nationality [næʃəˈnælətɪ] n. 国籍
nationwide [ˈneɪʃnwaɪd] adj. 全国的
native [ˈneɪtɪv] adj. 出生地的;土生土长的;土著(人)的 n. 当地人,本地人
Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom.2014全国一阅读】对孩子而言,和说母语的人呆在一起比仅仅坐在教室里是更胜一筹的。
Native to the US, pygmy rabbits weigh less than 1 pound and live in the American West.2012浙江阅读】在美国土生土长的兔子pygmy体重不足一英镑,生活在美国西部。
If you are interested in native Americans, you may read the book by Rocky London & David MacDonald.2011福建阅读】如果你对土著美国人感兴趣,你可以阅读Rocky LondonDavid MacDonald的书。
I made friends with the natives, and their reaction amazed me.2016浙江完形】我与当地人交朋友,他们的反应让我很惊讶。
nature [ˈneɪtʃə] n. 自然;本性,天性;性质
The harmony between man and nature is important.2010辽宁阅读】人与自然的和谐是重要的。
His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and considerate, putting others first.2013天津完形】他那爱与无私的本性激发我去变得更加有同情心和善解人意,把他人放在第一位。
The original quote about human nature went like this: “To err is human, to forgive, divine.” 2010天津阅读】关于人性最初的引言是这样的意思人非圣贤,孰能无过
by nature 就本性而言,本性上
People are social creatures by nature.2014江苏阅读】就本性而言,人类是社交生物。
nature的形容词形式:natural[ˈnætʃərl] 自然的,天然的;正常的;天生的,本能的
navy [ˈneɪvɪ] n. 海军
near [nɪə] adj. 近的 adv. 附近 prep. ……附近,靠近
nearby [ˈnɪəbaɪ] adj. 附近的
nearly [ˈnɪəlɪ] adv. 几乎
neat [niːt] adj. 干净的,整洁的
Your house is always so neat — how do you manage it with three children?2010山东单选】
neat的名词形式:neatness [ni:tnəs] n. 干净,整洁
同义词:tidy adj. 干净的,整洁的;tidiness n. 干净,整洁
necessary [ˈnesəsərɪ] adj. 必需的,必要的
It’s necessary to live in harmony with animals.2010湖北阅读】与动物和谐相处是十分必要的
短语:not necessarily未必,不一定
Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shythey may just be quiet people.2009安徽单选】一些不大喜欢说话的人未必害羞,他们也许只是比较安静。
necessary的名词形式:necessity [nəˈsesəti] n. 必需品;必要,必须
My parents provided the necessities of life but they couldn’t give much more.2007福建完形】许多父母提供必需品但是他们不能再给更多的了。
We took the country roads out of necessity.2013天津阅读】出于必要我们选择乡村道路。
neck [nek] n. 脖子
necklace [ˈneklɪs] n. 项链
necktie [ˈnektaɪ] n. 领带,领花
need [niːd] v. n. 需要
用法:need to do sth 需要做某事
She badly needed to set higher goals.2016江苏阅读】她迫切需要设立更高的目标。
need doing sth等于need to be done需要被做
As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing.2007陕西单选】由于严重的水灾,这个地区三分之二的建筑需要被修理。
needle [niːdl] n.
negotiate [nɪˈɡəʊʃɪeɪt] v. noise的形容词协商,谈判
The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never negotiate with criminals.2011湖北单选】部长说:我们做好与任何合法正当讨论,但是我们永远不与罪犯协商。
negotiate的名词形式:negotiation [nɪˌgəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] 协商,谈判
neighbour [ˈneɪbə] n. 邻居
neighbourhood ['neibəhud] n. 社区
nephew [ˈnefjuː] n. 侄子,外甥
nervous [ˈnɜːvəs] adj. 紧张的,焦虑的;神经的
New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation.2016北京七选五】新的大脑研究表明:当面对紧张局势的时候我们的大脑运转地不一样。
This affects their nervous systems.2016 北京阅读】这会影响它们的神经系统。