1、His Majesty sent me to patrol the mountains。翻译:大王叫我来巡山。
2、Do you have the guts to answer if I call your name。翻译:我叫你一声,你敢答应我吗。
3、Hey,Are you reinforcements sent for by Monkey。翻译:你是猴子请来的救兵吗。
4、I am a priest from the Tang country in the East,and I am going to the Western Heaven to ask for holy scriptures。翻译:贫僧从东土大唐而来,去往西天取经。
5、Master,please dismount while I go begging。翻译:师傅请下马,我去化些斋来。
6、Rescue me,Wukong。翻译:悟空,救我。经典语句摘抄
7、Impudent ape,talking nonsense again。翻译:你这泼猴,又胡说。
8、Evil beast,Turn back into yourself at once if you want to be spared the death penalty。翻译:孽畜,快现原形,饶你死罪。