1. The at aording to atual irumstanes
Unit of hoose and emplo persons ant to kno ou an for hat the do. Of ambiguities, there is no speifi resume ill make ou lose a lot of hane, so must avoid our resume in a rut. If ou have multiple targets, had better rite a lot of different resume. Eah aording to the harateristis and requirements of reruitment unit, give prominene to the orresponding ke, sho that ou for the emploer's attention and love.
Content outstanding
Content is all, resume must highlight our experiene, abilities and the ahievements of the past. You need to use evidene to explain our strength. Remember to prove our previous ahievements as ell as our former emploer for hat benefits, inluding our saving for him ho muh mone, ho man time, that means ou have hat innovation, et.
3. Strive to aurate
On our experiene, abilit to be as aurate, don't exaggerate also don't mislead. Make sure that ou rite it
h our pratial abilit and level of the ork the same, but also rite ou used to ork time and the pan. Your expression or material some details if let a person feel suspiious or unfortable, ou ma miss the good opportunit.
西游记道理>孕妇梦见蛇是生男生女4. Look fortable真常
The first thing e hoose to look let a person feel
fortable resume. Some people in order to innovation, on the
over ith great beaut as, ith ver strange ords; Some resume riting like medial reords, ver disorderl, knead it badl. Suh a resume, e generall look at, phased diretl . A ell-knon须根系
pan's hr manager has said.