1. He has already gone home.       
He _________  __________ home ____________.  (否定句)
____________ he __________ home ___________?  (医保卡怎么缴费一般疑问句)
2. He has lunch at home.       
He __________  _____________ lunch at home.  (否定句)
____________ he __________  lunch at home?  (一般疑问句)
3. He has been there twice.   
__________ __________ ________ __________ he been there?  (划线提问)
4. I have lunch at school.       
__________ __________ you ____________ lunch? (划线提问)
1. ______ two years      2._______ two years ago      3. _______ last month      4.______ 1999
5._______ yesterday      6. _______ 4 o’clock          7. ______ 4 hours        8._______ an hour ago
9. _______ we were children          10. _____ lunch time          11.______ she left here
12. He has lived in Nanjing ________ the year before last.
13. I’ve known him __________ we were children.
14. Our teacher has studied Japanese _________ three years.
15. She has been away from the city ___________ about ten years.
16. It’s about ten years __________ she left the city.
1.She’s _____________ (live) here ever since she was ten.
2.Both of them __________  _________ (be) in Hongkong for ten days.
3.Both of them __________ (come) to Hongkong ten days ago.
4. Half an hour __________  _________ (pass) since the train __________ (leave).
5. Mary________  ________(lose) her pen. ____________ you ______________ (see) it here and there?
6. _____________ you ____________ (find) your watch yet?
7. ---Are you thirsty?        ---No I _________ just _____________ (have) some orange.
8. We _____________already ______________ (return) the book.
9. ___________ they ____________ (build) a new school in the village?烈士褒扬条例
10. I __________  ________(not finish) my homework . Can you help me?
11. My father _______  _________(read) the novel twice.
12. I _________ (buy) a book just now.
13. I _________ (lost ) my watch yesterday.
14. My father _________  _________ (read) this book since yesterday.
 三、用 have/has been to/in, have gone to go to形式填空。
1) Where is Jack? He __________ his country yesterday.
2) David ________ the park just now.
4) How long _____ he _____  _____ this village?
5) The Smiths ______ Beijing for 5 years.
6) _____ you ever ______  ______ America? -- Yes, I _____  _______ there many times.
7) I _____  ______  _______this school since three years ago.
8) Where is Jim? He _____  ______ the farm since I came here.
9) When_____ he _____? He _______ an hour ago.
10) Would you like to _____ the zoo with me? ---Yes, but I _____ there before.
11) Where _____ you _____ now? --- I ____ the zoo.
12) He often _____ swimming.
13) _____ you ______ there last year?
14) _____ they often ______ skating in winter?
1.He died 10 years ago.  ----  He ______________ for 10 years / since 10 years ago.
2. He borrowed the book 2 weeks ago. -------  He _____________the book for 2 weeks. 徽州名菜
3. He bought the motorbike a month ago. ------  He ___________the motorbike for a month.
4. He arrived here three days ago. ------  He ____________here since three days ago.
6. He left here 2 years ago.  -------  He ____________from here for 2 years.
7. The film began 30 minutes ago.  ------  The film __________ for 30 minutes.
9. They closed the door an hour ago.  --------  The door ___________for an hour.
10. He joined the army last year. He _____________ the army for a year.
1—______ you ___ your homework  yet ?  —Yes . I _____ it
A.Did ; do ; finished  B.Have ; done ; finished  C.Have ; done ; have finished  D.will ; do ; fqq糖布丁
2 His father ______ the Party since 1978 .
A. joined  B. has joined  C. was in  D. has been in
3—Do you know him well ? — Sure .We _________ friends since ten years ago .
A. were    B. have been  C. have become    D. have made
4.When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus _____ for 20 minutes.
A. has left  B. had left    C. has been away    D. had been away
5 I ______ the League for 5 years so far.
A. joined    B. have joined    C. have been in
落叶跳舞6The factory ____ since the February of 1988.
A . has been open  B. has opened    C. was open    D. opened
7Mary and Rose ____friends since they met in 2000.
A. have made    B. have been    C. made    D. have become