一般来说,食品加工制造业水污染物排放标准应影响甚少,尽量低于规定的污染物标准,避免环境水质受到污染。在排放标准方面,应遵守《排水污染物排放标准》(GB8978-1996)和《农村生活污水排放标准》(GB18918-2002) 标准规定的污染物排放标准,即总悬浮物排放浓度<100毫克/升;化学需氧量排放浓度< 25毫克/升;五日生化需氧量排放浓度<15毫克/升; 氨氮排放浓度<5毫克/升; 排放量<0.1毫克/升;曲霉毒素排放量<0.2微克/升。
总之,食品加工制造业面临着提高不断的污水标准的要求,企业应当积极配合,坚持合规,不断改进治污产品结构,进一步提高污水处理能力,实现环境友好的可持续发展。water pollution
In recent years, with the increase of food processing and manufacturing output and the changes of food industry process, the water pollution is becoming more and more prominent. The deterioration of water quality has seriously affected the corporate image, and has also paid more attention to the protection of water resources. Therefore, it is very important for food processing and manufacturing industry to set water pollution emission standards.