After reading Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, I was deeply moved by the moral lessons that it imparts to its readers. The story follows an aviator who meets a little prince who is from an asteroid in outer space. On their journey into the desert, the aviator comes across various characters all of which express important morals through their stories and experiences.
The little prince symbolizes naivety and innocence, something that we as adults have largely forgotten, he is a reminder that patience and love are needed when dealing with people and situations. He also serves as a reminder about the importance of taking care of things, as the little prince looks after his asteroid, despite this being his only home.
The fox, on the other hand, teaches us that there is no friendship without trust, and that true friendships take time and effort to grow. The snake’s message reaches out to all of us, stressing the need for us to be aware of death and be prepared for it. The king and the conceited man teaches us that power can be used to both uplift and oppress others, and th
at one’s pride will often lead to their own downfall.
小王子英文读后感The most important message, however, is that of the rose. The little prince has grown fond of the rose, but she has ignored him and been unresponsive. Yet the little prince continues to look after the rose, despite her actions. This teaches us that true love is unconditional, and that we should find ways to love even those who don’t love us back.
The moral lessons that are imparted throughout the story are universal and timeless, with each character carrying an important part of the story. These lessons have reminded me to be kinder and more compassionate towards others, and to never forget what is truly important in life.