#记住我#Remember me
#记住我#Remember me
#虽然我必须道别#Though I have to say goodbye
#请记住我#Remember me
#莫要为此哭泣#Don't let it make you cry
#即使我人在远方#For even if I'm far away
#我也会将你记在心底#I hold you in my heart
#在每个分离的长夜#I sing a secret song to you
#我都会暗暗为你唱起请记住我#Each night we are apart.Remember me
#哪怕我要远行#Though I have to travel far
#记住我#Remember me
#当你听到吉他忧伤的曲调#Each time you hear a sad guitar
#请记住这是我陪伴你的唯一方式#Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
#直到我再次拥你入怀#Until you're in my arms again.
#这感觉就在眼前#A feeling
#伸出手就能触碰#You could reach out and touch it
#我从不知#I never knew
#我会如此渴望但一切却是真实#I could want something so much,but it's true
#只有音乐只有音乐#Only a song,only a song
#才能撼动人的心弦#Has the power to change a heart
#记住我莫要为我哭泣#Remember me Don't let it make you cry
#大家都知道胡安妮塔#Well,everyone knows Juanita
#她有不同颜的眼睛#Her eyes each a different color
#她的牙齿向外翘她的脸颊向内凹#Her teeth stick out And her chin goes in
#关节拖在地上#Knuckles they drag on the floor
#她的头发就像野花丛#Her hair is like a briar
#她长着罗圈腿#She stands in a bow-legged stance
#如果我非这般丑陋#And if I weren't so ugly
#她可能会给我机会的吧#She'd possibly give me a chance
#记住我虽然我将远行#Remember me though I have to travel far
#莫要为此哭泣#Don't let it make
#天空什么颜我的爱人我的爱人#What color is the sky?Ay mi amor,ay mi amor
#你说是红的我的爱人我的爱人#You tell me that it's red Ay mi amor,ay mi amor
#鞋子该放哪里我的爱人我的爱人#Where should I put my shoes?Ay mi amor,ay mi amor #你说放到你的头上去#You say put them on your head
#我的爱人我的爱人#Ay mi amor,ay mi amor
#你让我变得痴狂一丝丝痴狂#You make me un poco loco Un poqui-ti-ti-to loco
#你真是无法琢磨我对你唯唯诺诺#The way you keep me guessing I'm nodding and I'm yes-ing
#应该是福不是祸#I'll count it as a blessing
#我剩下的只有丝丝痴狂#That I'm only un poco loco
#你让我这么痴狂真是难以置信#The loco that you make me It is just un poco crazy
#你不符合常理#The sense that you're not making
#对我如此亲密#The liberties you're taking
#让我不禁摇头你真是有点痴狂#Leaves my cabeza shaking You're just un poco loco
#一丝丝痴狂#Un poqui-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-to loco
#虽然生活对我百般折磨流泪的女人#Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare
记住我#女士们先生们下午好晚上好#Senoras y senores,buenas tardes,buenas noches
#下午好晚上好女士们先生们#Buenas tardes,buenas noches Senoritas y senores
#今晚能和你们一起我真高兴#To be here with you tonight Brings me joy!Que alegria
#这首歌就是我的语言#For this music is my language
#这世界就是我的家#And the world es mi familia
#这首歌就是我的语言#For this music is my language
#这世界就是我的家#And the world es mi familia
#这首歌就是我的语言#For this music is my language
#这世界就是我的家#And the world es mi familia
#这首歌就是我的语...#For this music is
#虽然就要离别请记住我#Though I have to say goodbye
#记住我#Remember me
#虽然我必须道别记住我#Though I have to say goodbye.Remember me
#莫要为此哭泣#Don't let it make you cry
#即使我人在远方我也会将你记在心底#For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart
#在每个分离的长夜我都会暗暗为你唱起#I sing a secret song to you.Each night we are apart
#记住我#Remember me
#哪怕我要远行请记住我#Though I have to travel far.Remember me
#当你听到吉他忧伤的曲调#Each time you hear a sad guitar
#请记住这是我陪伴你的唯一方式#Know that I'm with you.The only way that I can be
#直到我再次拥你入怀#Until you're in my arms again
#记住我#Remember me
#可怜的我啊#Ay,de mi Llorona
#天蓝的流泪的女人#Llorona de azul celeste
#可怜的我啊#Ay,de mi Llorona
#天蓝的流泪的女人#Llorona de azul celeste
#虽然生活对我百般折磨流泪的女人#Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#我爬上那最高的松树#Me subi al pino mas alto,Llorona
#为了看到你啊#A ver si te divisaba
#像那松树一样容易流泪流泪的女人#Como el pino era tierno,Llorona
#看到我的泪水了吧#Al verme llorar,lloraba
#可怜的我啊天蓝的流泪的女人#Ay de mi Llorona,Llorona Llorona de azul celeste
#可怜的我啊天蓝的流泪的女人#Ay de mi Llorona,Llorona Llorona de azul celeste
#虽然生活对我百般折磨流泪的女人#Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#虽然生活对我百般折磨流泪的女人#Y aunque la vida me cueste,Llorona
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#我也不会停止爱你啊#No dejare de quererte
#请记住我虽然我...#Remember me Though I have
#记住我#Remember me
#虽然我必须道别#Though I have to say goodbye
#请记住我#Remember me
#莫要为此哭泣#Don't let it make you cry
#即使我人在远方#For even if I'm far away
#我要会将你记在心底在每个分离的长夜#I hold you in my heart.I sing a secret song to you #我都会暗暗为你唱起#Each night we are apart
#记住我#Remember me
#哪怕我要远行#Though I have to travel far
#记住我#Remember me
#当你听到吉他忧伤的曲调#Each time you hear a sad guitar
#请记住这是我陪伴你的唯一方式#Know that I'm with you The only way that I can be
#直到我可以再次拥你入怀#Until you're in my arms again
#记住我#Remember me
#有人笑我疯癫有人嗤我傻#Say that I'm crazy or call me a fool
#昨夜我依稀梦到了你#But last night it seemed that I dreamed about you
#我张口唱起歌谣#When I opened my mouth what came out was a song
#你熟悉每词每句与我相视而唱#And you know every word and we all sang along
#那旋律迷醉直入心弦#To a melody played on the strings of our souls
#那节奏铿锵声声入骨#And a rhythm that rattled us down to the bone
#我们相爱不息直到永恒#Our love for each other will live on forever
#随我心潮涌动#In every beat of my proud corazon
#我们相爱不息直到永恒#Our love for each other will live on forever
#随我心潮涌动#In every beat of my proud corazon
#我的家人来听我高唱#Ay mi familia Oiga mi gente
#合上节拍让歌曲永传#Canten a coro Let it be known
#我们相爱不息直到永恒#Our love for each other will live on forever
#随我心潮涌动#In every beat of my proud corazon
#我的家人来听我高唱#Ay mi familia Oiga mi gente
#合上节拍让歌曲永传#Canten a coro Let it be known
#我们相爱不息直到永恒#Our love for each other will live on forever
#随我心潮涌动#In every beat of my proud corazon
#记住我#Remember me
#虽然我必须道别请记住我#Though I have to say goodbye Remember me
#莫要为此哭泣#Don't let it make you cry
#即使我人在远方我会将你记在心底#For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart
#在每个分离的长夜我都会暗暗为你唱起#I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart
#请记住我#Remember me
#哪怕我要远行请记住我#Though I have to travel far Remember me
#当你听到吉他忧伤的曲调#Each time you hear a sad guitar
#请记住那是我陪伴你的唯一方式#Know that I'm with you The only way that I can be
#直到我可以再次拥你入怀#Until you're in my arms again
#请记住我#Remember me
#如果你闭上眼让音乐响起#If you close your eyes and let the music play
#若爱意不息我将永不离去#Keep our love alive I'll never fade away
#如果你闭上眼让音乐响起#If you close your eyes and let the music play
#若爱意不息我将永不离去#Keep our love alive I'll never fade away
#如果你闭上眼让音乐响起#If you close your eyes and let the music play
#若爱意不息我将永不离去#Keep our love alive I'll never fade away
#请记住我#Remember me
#我将要离去请记住我#For I will soon be gone Remember me
#让我们之间的爱意永存#And let the love we have live on
#请记住那是我陪伴你的唯一方式#And know that I'm with you the only way that I can be
#直到我可以再次拥你入怀#So,until you're on my arms again
#请记住我#Remember me
#请记住我#Remember me
#请记住我#Remember me
有时候我觉得我被诅咒了Sometimes,I think I'm cursed.
因为在我出生前发生了一件事Because of something that happened before I was even born.
很久很久以前有这么一家人See,a long time ago,there was this family.
爸爸是个音乐家The papa,he was a musician.
他们会一起唱歌跳舞一家人知足常乐He and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings.
但爸爸一直有个梦想就是为世界奏响乐曲But he also had a dream.To play for the world.
有一天And one day,
他带着吉他远走高飞再也没回来he left with his guitar and never returned.
她没时间为那个负心汉伤心流泪She didn't have time to cry over that walk-away musician.
她把音乐从她的生活中彻底抹去后After banishing all music from her life she found a way
自力更生将女儿抚养成人to provide for her daughter.
她卷起袖子开始学习做鞋She rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes.
她本来可以做糖果She could have made candy,
做烟花或者给摔跤选手or fireworks,or
做闪亮的内裤但她选择做鞋for wrestlers,but no,she chose shoes.
她把做鞋的手艺传给了她女儿Then she taught her daughter to make shoes.
接着又传给了她女婿And later,she taught her son-in-law.
后来她的孙子们也加入了Then her grandkids got roped in.
随着家族成员的增加事业也越做越大As her family grew,so did the business.
音乐曾让她的家庭分崩离析Music had torn her family apart.
但鞋子让他们重聚But shoes held them all together.
这个伟大的女人You see,that woman was
就是我的曾曾祖母伊梅尔达my great-great-grandmother,Mama Imelda.
她早在我出生前就去世了She died way before I was born.
但是每年的亡灵节But my family still tells her story
我们都会讲述她的故事...every year on Dia de
那是纪念逝者的节日the Day of the Dead.
而她的女儿And her little girl,
也就是我的曾祖母可可she's my great-grandmother,Mama Coco.
你好吗可可曾祖母Hola,Mama Coco.
你好吗胡里奥How are you,Julio?
其实我叫米格尔Actually,my name is Miguel.
可可曾祖母的记性不太好Mama Coco has trouble remembering things.
但和她说话还是很愉快But it's good to talk to her anyway.
所以我什么事都和她说So,I tell her pretty much everything.
以前我是这么跑的I used to run like this.
现在我这么跑这样快多了But now I run like this which is way faster.
获胜者是女角斗士可可And the winner is Luchadora Coco!
我这边有个酒窝但这边没有I have a dimple on this side,but not on this side.有酒窝没酒窝有酒窝没酒窝Dimple,no dimple.Dimple,no dimple.
米格尔好好吃饭Miguel,eat your food.
她是我的祖母可可曾祖母的女儿My abuelita,she's Mama Coco's daughter.你太瘦了亲爱的吃多一点Oh,you're a twig,mijo.Have some more.
我问你要不要再来点玉米粉蒸肉呢I asked if you would like more tamales!
我就知道你会这么说That's what I thought you said!
祖母的管家方式Abuelita runs our house
和曾曾祖母伊梅尔达一样just like Mama Imelda did.
不许吹No music!
不许听No music!
不许唱No music!
我们家应该是全墨西哥唯一I think we're the only family in Mexico
讨厌音乐的家庭了who hates music.
我的家人对此都习以为常但我..And my family's fine with that.
午饭前回来亲爱的爱你妈妈Be back by lunch,mijo.Love you,Mama.
我和家里其他人不一样I am not like the rest of my family!
谢谢不客气米格尔Muchas gracias.De nada,Miguel.
坐下趴下打滚挥挥手Sit.Down.Roll over.Shake.
碰个拳Fist bump!
好孩子丹丹Good boy,Dante!
我知道我不应该爱上音乐的I know I'm not supposed to love music.