Thanksgiving parents English composition
Everyone should have    a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the community Thanksgiving ... ...
If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me come to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in
my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the p
arents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body. If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !
But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His tempe r your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability
to ... ... Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;
Thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!
Let’s hearts with gratitude, singing aloud in front of the world,
You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西,And everything you’ve given me 你给我的一切I’ll always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。
You’re the driving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。There isn’t anything 如果没有你,Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。
And it just wouldn’t feel right 如果你不在我的身边。If I didn’t have you by my side 一切都不对劲。You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我,
When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。
Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候,
You were always there 你总是在那里
T o comfort me 给我安慰。
And no one else can be 在我生命中,
What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。
You’ll always be 你永远是
You will always be the girl 我生命中
In my life for all times 最重要的女人。
Mama 妈妈这是一首歌的歌词。你觉得可以吗?我挺喜欢的
Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.